by Max Barry

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by The Alemannic Vice Chancellor of Ottoman Realm. . 9 reads.

Hanseatic Political Parties

Ask me about how you can make your own party

National Conservative Party
Founder:Ottoman Realm

The NCP is a party that has traditional conservative values with elements of nationalism. The NCP is about preserving cultural and national identity, while also promoting economic and social conservatism. The NCP favors a strong military, and a focus on law and order. When it comes to foreign policy the NCP emphasizes the importance of maintaining stability, order, respect for established norms and institutions in international relations, diplomacy, and alliances as key tools for achieving these goals. The NCP typically supports policy that revolves around personal responsibility and individual liberty, free enterprise to boost individual economies, a strong regional defense, strong security, and expansionist policy.

Why you should join the NCP:
The National Conservative Party believes with loyalty, devotion, and allegiance the Hanseatic League, and its members will grow and prosper. The NCP will always promote the national interests of all its members to ensure that the economies, freedoms/rights, securities, and defense can be promoted and secured with the most efficient and professional manner. The NCP is also extremely determined to fight tooth and nail to keep the communist and socialist from invading, destroying, and oppressing the people. The reds are the greatest enemies we face in this world and need to be kept from entering this League at all costs! The NCP will always make sure that the marxist ideologies of corruption and evil stay outlawed. The conservative, nationalist, and imperial nations of NS are a minority and are constantly being stomped on and oppressed under the boot of the commies! Together like minded individuals can finally express their opinions with fear of the left crushing them for not agreeing with their agenda! I urge all conservative, imperial, nationalist, and traditionalist to join the NCP to help make some real change!
''Glory to God, League, and Member!''

Federal Republican National Party
Founder:West gazprom

The Federal Republican National Party(FRNP), a political party that is dedicated to preserving the values and traditions of our great nation. The FRNP is a militant, secular, and ultranationalist party that believes in the supremacy of our region and its people above all else. The FRNP is a party that is deeply rooted in conservative values. We believe in the importance of family, traditional gender roles, and the sanctity of life. We are staunchly opposed to abortion, euthanasia, and any other form of life-ending procedures. We believe that the family unit is the foundation of our society and that it should be protected at all costs. The FRNP is also a militant party that believes in the importance of a strong military. We believe that our country should be prepared to defend itself against any threat, foreign or domestic. We believe that our military should be well-funded and well-equipped to ensure that we are always ready to defend our nation. The FRNP is a secular party that believes in the separation of church and state. We believe that religion should have no place in government and that our laws should be based on reason and logic, not on religious doctrine. We believe that all citizens should be treated equally, regardless of their religious beliefs. Finally, the FRNP is an ultranationalist party that believes in the supremacy of our country and its people. We believe that our nation is the greatest in the world and that we should do everything in our power to protect and promote our interests. We believe in a strong, centralized government that is capable of making tough decisions for the good of the nation.

Why you should join the FRNP
The Federal Republican National Party is a political party that is deeply committed to preserving the values and traditions of our great nation. We are a militant, secular, and ultranationalist party that believes in the importance of family, a strong military, the separation of church and state, and the supremacy of our country and its people.
