by Max Barry

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by The Imperial Marxist empire of Anacharsia. . 7 reads.


Lobsterism: The Tale of the First Claw

In the beginning, there was only Acturus, the great lobster god, who dwelled in the dark and empty ocean which he had made with his own words. He was lonely and bored, so he decided to create something out of his own body.He took a part of his leg and threw it making light. He took one of his claws and broke it off, throwing it into the water. The claw grew and became the first land, where he split the claw that made plants and animals which began to appear. Acturus was pleased with his creation, but he still felt incomplete. He took his other claw and broke it off, throwing it into the water. The claw grew and became the first human, who had intelligence and free will. Acturus was amazed by his creation, but he also felt curious. He wanted to see how the human would interact with the land and its creatures.

He gave the human a name: Lobos, which means "claw" in his divine language. He also gave him a gift: a shell necklace that contained a piece of his own essence. He told Lobos that he was his son and that he loved him. He also told him that he could do whatever he wanted on the land, as long as he respected his father's will and did not harm his creations. He then left Lobos to explore the land, while he watched over him from afar.

Lobos was happy and grateful for his father's gift. He wandered around the land, marveling at its beauty and diversity. He named everything he saw, using his father's language. He also made friends with some of the animals, especially the lobsters, who reminded him of his father. He learned from them how to fish, how to build shelters, and how to survive on the land.

One day, Lobos came across a strange creature that he had never seen before. It was a woman, who looked like him but had long hair and softer features. She was lying on the shore, unconscious and wounded. Lobos felt a strange attraction to her, and decided to help her. He carried her to his shelter, where he nursed her back to health. He gave her a name: Loba, which means "clawed" in his father's language. He also gave her a gift: a shell necklace that matched his own.

When Loba woke up, she was surprised and scared to see Lobos. She did not know who he was or where she came from. She only remembered that she had escaped from a terrible place, where she was enslaved and tortured by a cruel master. She had stolen a boat and sailed away, hoping to find freedom and peace. But a storm had caught her off guard, and she had crashed on the shore.

Lobos tried to calm her down and explain everything to her. He told her that he was the son of Acturus, the lobster god who created the world. He told her that he had found her on the beach and saved her life. He told her that he wanted to be her friend and share his life with her. He showed her his shell necklace and told her that it was a symbol of his father's love.

Loba was skeptical and confused by Lobos' story. She did not believe in gods or miracles. She only believed in pain and suffering. She did not trust Lobos or his intentions. She thought that he might be lying or crazy or both. She tried to escape from him, but she realized that she had nowhere else to go. She decided to stay with him for a while, until she could find a way to leave.

Lobos was patient and gentle with Loba. He respected her wishes and did not force her to do anything she did not want to do. He taught her everything he knew about the land and its creatures. He showed her how to fish, how to build shelters, and how to survive on the land.

He also showed her how to have fun and enjoy life. He played with her, sang with her, danced with her, and laughed with her. He made her feel things that she had never felt before: joy, wonder, curiosity, and love.

Gradually, Loba began to trust Lobos and appreciate his kindness. She began to see the beauty and goodness of the world that he had shown her. She began to believe in his father's existence and power. She began to love him back.

They became lovers and partners, living happily on the land that Acturus had created for them.

Acturus was delighted by their union and blessed them with many children, who inherited their parents' features and gifts and ensured they did not have any defects from incest. They were the first humans who worshiped Acturus as their father and creator.That is how the world got populated
They were also the first followers of Lobsterism, the religion that honors Acturus as the supreme lobster god who made everything out of his claws and legs

The main rituals of Lobsterism

- The Claw Ceremony: This is a rite of passage that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. It involves cutting off a small piece of one's fingernail and offering it to Acturus as a sign of loyalty and gratitude. The nail is then placed in a shell necklace that is worn by the person for the rest of their life. The necklace symbolizes the connection between the person and Acturus, as well as their ancestry and identity.
- The Feast of Acturus: This is a celebration that occurs once a year, on the anniversary of the creation of the world. It involves preparing and eating a large lobster meal, as well as singing, dancing, and praying to Acturus. The lobster is considered a sacred animal that represents Acturus' power and generosity. The feast is a way of honoring Acturus and thanking him for his blessings.
- The Pilgrimage to the Ocean: This is a journey that every Lobsterist must make at least once in their lifetime. It involves traveling to the ocean, where Acturus resides, and immersing oneself in the water. The water is believed to cleanse the person of their sins and renew their spirit. The pilgrimage is also an opportunity to communicate with Acturus and ask for his guidance and protection.
-Lobsterian day:A day to celebrate all the famous lobsterians from Lobus to Lobella.The festival is done in lobster theme and one should take captive lobsters and take them to the ocean.This is to symbolise the famous
lobsterians have rested there soul and are now with Acturus

Some famous Lobsterians are:

Lobus- the first king of Lobsteria, the land of the Lobsterians. He was the son of Lobos and Loba, and inherited their father's power and wisdom, and their mother's courage and kindness. He led his people to prosperity and peace, and expanded their territory by conquering other lands. He also built the great temple of Acturus, where he worshipped his father and offered him sacrifices. He was loved and respected by his people, who called him "the claw of Acturus".

Lobella-, the first prophetess of Lobsterism, the religion of the Lobsterians. She was the daughter of Lobus and his wife Lobina, and had a special gift of seeing visions and hearing voices from Acturus. She revealed his will and his commands to his people, and wrote them down in the holy book of Lobsterism, called "the claw of Acturus". She also performed many miracles and signs, such as healing the sick, calming the storms, and multiplying the food. She was revered and honored by her people, who called her "the voice of Acturus".

Loban-the first hero of Lobsteria, the culture of the Lobsterians. He was the son of Lobella and her husband Lobar, and had a remarkable talent for arts and crafts. He invented many things that improved the life of his people, such as tools, weapons, clothes, and jewelry. He also created many works of art that expressed his love for Acturus and his creation, such as paintings, sculptures, poems, and songs. He was admired and celebrated by his people, who called him "the hand of Acturus".

These are some examples of famous Lobsterians who shaped the history and identity of humanity.

Rules of Lobsterism (Not in any order)
1.Worship Acturus and only Acturus
2.Perform the four rituals more than once in your life except the Pilgrimage to the Ocean
3.One should not eat Lobsters except during the week of a lobsterism festival except the week Lobsterian day
4.You can only have at most two wives who should care for them equally
5.Do not commit or attempt murder whether they are born or unborn
6.Do not steal
7.Be caring,honest,not greedy and have good moral values
8.Do not commit adultery.
9.Obey your elders and respect the younger people
10.Do not use Acturus's name in vein
11.Donate at least 5% of what you earn to the needy
12.Do not discriminate others
13.Perform at least one prayer per day
14.Never destroy buildings of other religions unless Acturus says so

Order of Lobsterian leaders
Lobins-The smallest rank.They preach the word of Acturus in individual churches.One becomes Lobin by getting a theological degree in Lobsterism

Lebins-They are the leaders of multiple churches in a region.They are lobins chosen by Lobars

Lobars-The head of all Lobsterian churches in a nation.Chosen by the Lobstaria

Lobstaria-The head of Lobsterism in the entire world.Believed to be direct descendants of Lobella and the next Lobstaria is the eldest child of the former Lobsteria

Lobenia-Has similar responsibilities of the Lobstaria but is chosen by Lobars voting for them.To be a Lobenia you must be one of the Lobsterian leaders except Lobstaria

If you are a Lobsterian leader you can still marry and have children but you must participate in every Lobsterian rituals
