by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of Herzikland. . 53 reads.

Herzikland Overview

Koninkrijk Herzikland

Voor koningin en vaderland

    Capital: Refenhime

    Language/s: Herziklzlander and English

    Religion/s: Church of Groogifen

    Demonym: Herzikinzenlanzers

    Government: Authoritarian Conservative Semi Consititonal-Monarchy under a Police State

      Keizer/Keizersin: Vicktoria Groverien

      Prime Minister: Katjrin Suleman

      Luetientent Prime Minister: Kanz Sulsman

    Legislature: All Herzikinzenldi Parliament

    Parliamentary Speaker: Randz Luszan

    Population: 4.476 Billion

    GDP: 306 Billion Diamanten munt

    Currency: Diamanten munt (De Jure) Federal Galactic Credits (Secundarium)

    Military Budget: 2.5 Billion

    Military Manpower: 3.3 Million

    Population Fit for Service: 1.3 billion

Koninkrijk Herzikland

The Koninkrijk Herzikland, Also known as simply Herzikland to its natives, and Griffonia to its occupiers is a System Wide Empire comprising entirely of the System of Sunnōn, and primarily on the planet of Herzikica, while also maintaining small outpost and colonies in its home system, with the largest of these being Maanvliet, a habitable moon orbiting the gas giant of Joeulk. the modern entity of Koninkrijk was created by the New York City Declaration which declared the entire system united under it as Columbian Vassal State, as such the country is only nominally independent and making it only a minor power on the Galactic Stage.



Its name "Herzikland" comes from the old Hyperpower of the Planet that was dissolved after the Columbian Invasion, while the name Herzikland also comes from the name of the Herzikinzenlanzer People, which in Herziklzlander simply means "People of the Sky", while Koninkrijk is simply the name for Kingdom, which the country is. although the name Herzik would have been likely more appropriate as it would represent all Herzikinzenlanzer People instead of just one specific race. the Columbians had simply not cared for the finer details while naming their new vassal, although many in the country simply call it Herzik still.


The earliest rock testing samples indicate that the planet of Herzikica formed around 3.5 billion years ago, and by radioactive dating, its parent star, Sunnōn formed only a 100 million years eailer, around 3.643 million years ago, it would form in a system of 5 other planets, 2 rocky planets, 1 of them being itself. and 5 gas giants. it was lucky enough to develop in the goldilocks zone of its F-type main-sequence star. life began to develop around 2.6 billion years ago telling by microfossils in formerly underwater rock formations, while its unknown exactly when.

Herzikinzenlanzers like evolved from a bird-like species into a mammal that retained the ability to fly due to the Mountainous Terrain of the planet. in a similar process to humanity. they would enter the Stone Age and would remain there for around 3.3 million years, a small asteroid hit the planet, which brought magical elements to it. overnight most gained the ability to use magic to enchant tools, which allowed for development to come faster and faster, this event would also kick of the planetary religion. then the bronze and iron ages in quick succession before reaching their classical era

Over this time nation-states would rise and fall across the planet, however, one in particular would be formed in the rear end of there medieval era, Herzikland. Herzikland was a nation tucked away in a massive valley on the western half of their super continent, as the planet does not have tectonic plates that enable the formation of their continent, they also had the largest diamond reserves. and as diamond effectively acted in a stand-in for gold due to how the planet of Herzikica formed. they quickly became one of the richest, along with a dedicated force of knights, and a history of great monarchs. they were also able to rise however at the end of the medieval age disaster struck.

the Purple Plauge was a massive super pandemic that spread across the planet after an asteroid had burst in the atmosphere only a few days earlier. this interstellar patogen wiped out over 25% of the Herzik population. it caused boils to appear every where, wings to fall off before total organ failure. however, this would only benefit her island. who suffered the least and was able to take up the mantle from the other powers on the planet now in ruins around it.

It would be herzikland that would lead it through the early modern and late modern eras of the planet, always remaining the dominant power despite having to fight in 4 planetary-wide wars and thousands of other conflicts. this eventually led to where there were only 50 or so nations on the planet, mostly subservient to herzikland and its monarchy. which retained strong conservative traditions, allowing them to become widespread across the planet.

In addition in programs spearheaded by Herzikland. the Herziks would land on their two moons, and establish colonies on them, before spreading out even further across their solar system. with a major colony, and eventually basically a new planet. Maanvliet, a habitable forest moon orbiting a nearby gas giant being established on Then the Columbians came, and all of that would come to an end within just 5 days as the Columbians first took over Maanvilet, then other herzik colonies across the system. before orbitally bombarding and invading Herzicka itself. almost a million lay dead, including major parts of Herzikland's Royal Family and Government.

However, the Herziks put up a strong resistance. managing to impress the Columbian Emperor, allowing them to be vassalized under an agreement that they would not rebel. and a permanent collaborationist government would be established. and thus Herzikland stands at the modern day. Subserviant and Under the Jackboot of Columbia. Possibly forever.



The Nation is heavily conservative. specifically following the ideology of Authoritarian Conservatism, a ideology that belives in following traditional values through the state, and is in its current form an autocracy. with the Collaberationist Government however it is also by proxy a police state. the government exerts almost total control over the lives of its citizens. while corporations are usually excluded. especially from Columbia.

this has allowed for a system to take place where Columbian Corporations exploit Herziks with little intervention, while these same herziks will be brutally suppressed in their daily lives. The nation also retains a monarchy that has high levels of authority. but still bounded by a constitution and parliament. the parliament elects a prime minister. however nobody in parliment is elected and are chosen by the prime minister and monarch, typically from the nobles, oligarchs or otherwise aristocratic class ensuring loyalist elements will always be the majority in government.



The Nation is primarily comprised of Herziks, which can vary based on their region, for example a Jerherzik. or the majority population of Herzikland. the former hyperpower typically have larger wingspans and are shorter and more nimable and are able to fly higher and faster due to the need to fly over the mountains that surround there rather protected core valley to trade with others or to find food. while a Gerzik typically has a shorter wing span but is taller and more buff. due to there need to climb across the mountains there societies were formed in. These two groups make up the majority of the population in general. however there exist other more minor groups. all of these groups have magic. as in the ability to magically enchant there items and objects with certain magical properties.

There also exists minor settler colonialists from Columbia, which included Humans, Nekos, Ebottians and Noions. mostly the poor and downtrodden who took the chance to move immediately, or corporate workers relocated to assist with the operation of the megacorporations on the planet. These settler colonists typically lived in isolated and segregated communities in the richer areas of towns and cities. while mingling with the countries aristocratic and oligarchic class. the total is around 8 million and is steadily increasing. a lot of them have been moved under "Manifest Destiny" Programs that accompanied OREEP


While lanunuage developed initially as a series of chirps, it of course eventually evolved into something more complicated as need for easier and more understandable interaction came more common. and so did the need for writing things down. however unlike other nations. a universal launauge started to devople. while this launauge would devlope with different dielects. it mostly stayed the same. closest to Dutch in nature with more Latinish spelling, it is also occasionally interrupted by intervals of chirping depending on the region



