by Max Barry

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by The Dictatorship of The Freedomless. . 9 reads.

The Leader of The Freedomless addresses the current civil rights movement

“Our military will crush the movement until there is nothing left. We cannot let our peaceful country be destroyed by protesters.” Says the leader of The Freedomless on Sunday night as a mob of protestors mob the capital.

The protesters broke through a barrier on Saturday night and are now streaming into the capital streets trashing everything in sight and chanting for their freedom. They demolish walls and deface public statues of our ruler. They now stand at the gates of our leaders home. Public authorities have been taken hostage and have no control over the mob. More citizens have joined the fight. The government has called for military backup to control the crowd and is planning to ask for foreign aid from Evenz and all nations currently residing in the Empire of the Dog.

Criticizers of the protest are calling for action and protection from the government and supporters are claiming that The Freedomless is a dictatorship that must be destroyed. They are also complaining that the governor of the Empire of the Dog has been choosing to ignore The Freedomless true colors and are protesting for a free and equal rights program for the entire nation.

The leader and officials have warned the protesters of possible punishments, imprisonment, public execution, and possibly even banishment but all previous and present attempts to resolve the conflict have failed.

On a further note border towns between The Freedomless and Evenz have been threatening secession and have been evacuating into the nation of Evenz. The leader has also addressed this issue by closing off all borders and arresting those who were found escaping. Their homes were repossessed and their families were torn apart and sent to different parts of the country. Many were publicly excecuted as punishment. Only people with proper identification and official papers were let through under the false pretense of “travel only” when many will never return from their journey into Evenz.

The Freedomless asks for help and aid from foreign nations as this conflict continues.

Help The Freedomless and join the Empire of the Dog.
