by Max Barry

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by The Empire of Crossia. . 8 reads.

2024 Crossian Nuclear Waste Accident

In the early morning on May 8th, 2024, between 12am and 4am a cave-in happened at a nuclear waste disposal site which caused high levels of radioactive material and radiation to leak in to a river. A estimated 210 tons of nuclear waste have been improperly stored in unsealed barrels causing high levels of radiation leakage. Through investigation it has been found out the C.N.W.D.A. has been unsafely and improperly storing waste in unsafe conditions, this has not been noticed as it has made many deals with inspectors from the C.S.I.A., the leader of the C.N.W.D.A. has been fired and anyone who made deals that’s ignored safety protocols. The leader of the C.N.W.D.A. Was fired, usually the new leader of the C.N.W.D.A. would be the leader’s son but due to controversy it was decided there would be a vote; however, most of the candidates were family of the former leader. As of May 9th seven citizens have volunteered to dove into the caved-in nuclear waste disposal site to asses the damage, even after they were told of the danger they were still determined. It has also been found out that the former leader of the C.N.W.D.A. has been murdered with no culprit found.
