by Max Barry

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by The Colonial Empire of Kelban Island. . 51 reads.

Overview of Kelbanian Colonial Empire

Kelbanian Colonial Empire

Motto:,,Peace, Unity, Freedom"

Anthem:Link,,Chłopcy silni jak stal"

Map of Kelbanian Colonial Empire (Orange)

Total Area: ?
Population: 582 million people
Highest Point:
Linerka Mountain (7980m)

Lowest Point: Gordubruck Village (3m)

Main/Official Language: Kelbanian
The Minority Language: Görjaz/Kharusian Language,
Tyra Melinian, Tiamor Language,
Polish (Language of Primitives and Mountain People)

Demonym: Kelbanian

Ethnic Groups: Kelbanian(80%),
Plajevi(10%), Primitives(5%),
Youthenheimians(3%), The Rest(2%)

Religions: Akkelism(75%), Duszaic Paganism(10%),

Goverment: Absolute Monarchy
The Ruler: Emperor Henry Wert

Currency: The Imperial Dolar
GDP: 57.4 Trillion

Calling Code: +70

Driving Side: Left

The Kelbanian Colonial Empire (Kelban Island) is an Absolute Monarchy lockated in Lacia. KCE shares borders with Kelban People in the North West, Youthenheim in the South, Kelbanian Sea on the North and on the East bu the Aequora Ocean (the biggest ocean in Lacia). Kelbanian Colonial Empire has a population of 582 million people. KCE has 5 Colonies and 1 Vassal.

Kelbanian Colonial Empire is a keeper of Freedom in Lacia. Even after the Prime Minister Incident, KCE wants every one to feel Free and will do anything to make the World Free.

The Kelbanian Colonial Empire has Frightening Economy and is on 2nd place in Lacia. Main money makers of KCL are: Retail, Agriculture, Book Publishing.

The history of the Kelbanian Colonial Empire, begins with the union of four distinct clans on an island in a distant and uncharted region of the world. Each clan had its own traditions, customs, and leadership, but they shared a common desire for unity and prosperity. Over time, these clans formed alliances through diplomacy and marriage, culminating in the establishment of a unified kingdom known as Kelbania.

Formation of Kingdom of Kelban Island:
The island where the clans settled was rich in resources, including fertile land for agriculture and strategic coastal areas for trade and defense. As the clans grew in population and influence, they realized the benefits of working together.
A series of peace treaties and alliances were forged, leading to the formal unification of the clans into a single political entity. The leaders of the clans established a council to govern the new kingdom, with representatives from each clan.

Age of Expansion and Exploration:
With their newfound unity, the Kelbanians began to explore beyond their island. They built ships and ventured into the surrounding seas, discovering neighboring lands and establishing trade routes with distant civilizations.
The Kelbanians were skilled seafarers and traders, and their expeditions brought wealth and knowledge back to their homeland. They established colonies on nearby islands and along coastal regions, further expanding their influence.

Forced Departure from the Kelban Island:
However, Kelbania's growth and ambitions eventually led to conflicts with neighboring kingdoms and empires. As tensions escalated, a formidable adversary launched a series of invasions aimed at subjugating Kelbania.
Faced with overwhelming odds, the Kelbanians made the difficult decision to abandon their ancestral island to preserve their culture and independence. They evacuated their people, treasures, and vital resources, relocating their capital to a newly established colony on a distant mainland.

Mainland Territories: After leaving their original island, the Kelbanians established their new capital and administrative center on a large mainland territory. This mainland area serves as the heartland of the Empire, characterized by fertile plains, river valleys, and some low mountain ranges.

Coastal Zones: The Kelbanian Colonial Empire controls extensive coastal regions, facilitating maritime trade and naval dominance. Coastal areas are dotted with bustling port cities, where ships arrive from distant colonies laden with exotic goods.

Rivers and Lakes: The empire is crisscrossed by navigable rivers, facilitating inland transportation and irrigation for agriculture.

Mineral Wealth: Kelbanian Colonial Empire is rich in mineral resources such as iron, copper, and gold, which are exploited both domestically and in overseas territories.

Defensive Positions: Natural geographic features like mountains, rivers, and coastlines provide strategic advantages for defense against external threats.

The name "Kelbania" is said to have ancient origins, rooted in the language of the original clans that united to form the kingdom.

"Kel"-Derives from an old word meaning "union" or "together," symbolizing the unity of the four clans.

"Ban"-Have signified "land" or "territory," reflecting the ancestral homeland where the clans initially settled.

The suffix "-ia" is commonly used in names to denote a region or country, giving the combined name a sense of nationhood.


Population: Kelbanian Colonial Empire is home to 582 million people. 80% of the population lives in the Mainland and the rest in the colonies.

Language: KCE's main language is Kelbanian which is spoken by 540 milion people in the Empire. There are also minor languages like Polish which is spoken by 20 Milion people in the Empire. (Polish and Kelbanian are very similar and are very hard to learn).

Religion: Kelbanian Colonial Empire's main Religion is Akkelism in which there is no god, only Titans. There are also minor religions that not many worship.

Race: KCE is not allowing anyone to devide the population by race. Thats why no one knows how many they are in KCE.

Kelbanian's are in the Slav family. The Empire hold many important Slavic buildings which are religious and historical at the same time. The Culture pays a great role in the development of the Empire.

Kelbanian Royal Military is know for its Royal Airforce which is the most powerfull in Lacia. KCE has also very powerfull Army, but not the most powerfull. The Navy in KCE is Higher then Basic, but is not as powerfull as Lethinia's or as Bealtiamor's.

Kelban Islands Defence Force:

Available Manpower: 30,000,000

Minimum Enlistment Age: 20

Active Personnel: 1,000,000

Reserve Personnel: 5,000,000

Main Base: Fort of Denkurta

Arms Supplier: Youthenheim , Bealtiamor , Kelban Island

Kelban Islands Army:

Main Base: Fort of Denkurta

Transport Vechicles:
-Peugeot P4
-Land Rover Perentie
-Long Range Patrol Vehicle

-M1 Abrams
-CM-11 Brave Tiger

Armored Vechicles:
- HMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle)
-CM-32 "Clouded Leopard"
-Komatsu light armored vehicle
-Wolf Armoured Vehicle

Multiple rocket launcher:
-M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
-BM-30 Smerch
-Astros II

Kelban Islands Air Force:

Main Base: Base in Mount Chungen

-F-15E Strike Eagle
-YF-23 Black Widow II
- MiG-31 (Supersonic Plane)
-Lockheed F-22 Raptor
-KL-1003F (Supersonic Plane)(created by Kelbanian Empire)
Transport Helicopters:
-CH-53E Super Stallion

-MH-60 Seahawk

Strategic bombers:
-B-52 Stratofortress
-F-117 Nighthawk
-Northrop B-2 Spirit

Military Transport Planes:
-Boeing V-22 Osprey
-Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker

Kelban Islands Navy:

Main Base: Port Youthenton

Patrol Boats:
-USS Cyclone (PC-1)

-HMCS Ottawa (FFH-330)
-HMS Iron Duke (F234)

-USS Bunker Hill (CG-52)
-USS Ticonderoga (CG-47)

-USS Skipjack (SS-184)

Nuclear Submarines:
-USS Augusta (SSN-710)

-USS Kinkaid (DD-965)
-USS Berry (DDG-51)

Nuclear-Power Aircraft Cariers:
-USS Harry S.Truman (CVN-75)
-USS George Washington (CVN-73)
Other Military Divisions:
-White Fangs (Elite Snow Division)
-Scuba Scouts (Underwater Division)
-Eagles of the Sky (Elite Fly-Corps Division)
-Lions of the North-West (Elite Desert Division)
-Night-Sky Group (Elite Spy Division)
-Royal Emperor Guards (Elite Emperor's Guards)

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After the Prime Minister Incident, Emperor Henry Wert has established an Absolute Monarchy. There is no Prime Minister, there are only Ministers that are in the Council of the 7.
Council of the 7:
Members of the Council are elected by people once every 2 years. Members in the council have the power to rule the Empire but every decision made by the council needs to be approved by the Emperor. In the Council there are: Minister of Defense(he is the General of the Army), Minister of Reaserch, Minister of People, Minister of Education, Minister of Economy, Admiral of the Navy and General of the Air Force. Members can be removed by the Emperor.

Colony Council:
The Colony Council, is the council of the Colony Rulers. The council can decide what laws should be in the colonies and other things. The Colony Council has one representative from the Emperor that has the ultimate power in the council. He can veto a voting, he can make emergancy meeting, etc. If a law is not approved by the Emperor, it will not be added to the colonies. Every Ruler of a Colony is elected every 5 years by the colony citizens.

Foreign Diplomatic Relations:
Kelbanian Colonial Empire has good relations with other nations, despite the now ending war. KCE wants peace and will do everything to keep it.
Kelbanian Colonial Empire has the best relations with Plajevo, Bealtiamor and Tyra Melin, and the worse with Franexia.


Created by Emperor Henry Wert and the Minister of Research Dwayne Hill, nanotechnology is a creation that will change the world.

How does Nanotechnology work?
Nanotechnology is based on Positive Ions. Nano can atach itself to cells and then upgrade them to make humans regenerate faster or give them other traits.

What Abilities does Nanotechnology have?
Nanotechnology's abilites depend on the type of nano. There are:
-Regenaration- Is granted when nanobots attach itself to Stem Cells and then upgrades them. Stem Cells are one of the main cells that regenerate human body, but with the upgrade, the regeneration is faster. Human body can regenerate a gunshot wound in less then 2 minutes. With every wound, the regeneration gets a little bit slower, but that efect is only for the Temporary Nano.
-Enhanced Strenght and Speed- Is granted when nanotechnology is injected to muscles and spine. This ability is temporary but is very powerfull. Not everyone can withstand that power and it may cause paralysis to weak people. Enhanced Speed is quadrupled of the base speed and the Strenght is doubled.
Other Traits have not been found/invented yet.
-Immunity to Majii powers- There is a type of Nano that blocks the use of White, Black, Red and Purple Majii powers. You can ask how? Well i come with the answer. This specific type of Nano ataches itself to human's brain, blood cells and spine which give immunity from Majii powers. Red's can't manipulate blood as every blood cell will have a blocker for this power. Purple can't use mind control becouse of the Nano atached to the user's brain. The mistery is how the White and Black Majii have no efect on the Human with the Nano which only Emperor Henry Wert and Minister of Reaserch Dwayne Hill knows.

How to Control it?
Nanotechnology can be controlled by five people at this moment. These people have an implant conected to their spine that grants the user the power to control every nanotechnology user exept these with project Furia and people with the implants.

Furia Project
The failed project that was the begining of Nanotechnology. Furia is one nanobot that ataches itself to the users brain. It can give tenfold strength and enhance five times the speed. If furia activates, the user is not controling itself and can couse imance damage. Furia can controll all of Nanotechnology and its goal is to take over the world and kill every human. The furia project cannot be controlled and there are only five people with it inside their bodies.

Image of Nanotechnology

More will be added in the future...
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