by Max Barry

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by The Grand Republic of Eprilonia. . 1 reads.

About the leaz

The Eprilonian leaz is the official minted currency of Eprilonia. It comes in coins, paper/cotton bills, and digital transactions.
1 leaz is worth approximately 2.50 USD.

Eprilonian coins are called leazettes, and come in 1 leazette, 5 leazettes, 10 leazettes, 25 leazettes, 50 leazettes, and 1 leaz coins.

Then the leaz dollars come in 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and very rarely 500.

The leaz coins are imprinted with a object on one side to represent an industry of Eprilonia, and either the national animal or coat of arms on the back.

(1 Leazette coin appearance:)
Heads side: Eprilonian coat of arms, and 1 Leazette engraving below
Tails side: Eprilonian starred whale shark rising above an ocean with sunrays around it

(5 leazettes coin appearance:)
Heads side: Dragon fruit and cacao beans, to represent the Agricultural industry and the nations prided cash crops.
Tails side: Eprilonian coat of arms, and 5 Leazette engraving below
