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by The People's Republic of Dakea. . 9 reads.



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1 Overview
2 Natural Landmarks
3 Landmarks
4 About the Department of Tourism
5 Events
6 More
7 Visit Dakea


Akariaq Cliff

The The People's Republic of Dakea has lots of Natural Landmarks and Landmarks, there are also events that are going on. This is Dakea's Department of Tourism. In the land of Dakea, there are numerous breathtaking landmarks that leave every visitor in awe. From majestic buildings to serene lakes, Dakea is a treasure trove of natural beauty and architectural marvels. In the realm of Dakea, one can witness the harmonious coexistence of nature and human ingenuity. This country, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes, has become a beacon of inspiration for the world.

The people of Dakea are known for their unwavering dedication to preserving their environment, ensuring the protection and nurturing of the landmarks that make their nation unique. From the architectural marvels that showcase their innovative spirit to the lush forests that serve as a testament to their commitment to sustainability, Dakea's landmarks stand as symbols of the nation's resilience and unity.

In Dakea, one can find a harmonious blend of traditional values and modern advancements, as seen in their infrastructure and architectural wonders. These landmarks not only reflect the country's progress but also serve as a reminder of the importance of balancing growth with respect for the environment.

Furthermore, Dakea's landmarks have become a source of pride for its citizens, fostering a strong sense of national identity. They serve as gathering places for the community, where people come together to celebrate their shared history and aspirations for the future.

In conclusion, Dakea's landmarks, though fictional, represent the essence of a country that values its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and the unity of its people. These landmarks serve as a testament to the nation's commitment to progress and environmental conservation, making Dakea an inspiring example for the world.

Natural Landmarks

What are natural landmarks and Dakea's natural landmarks?

Natural landmarks are unique and distinctive geographical features or locations that occur naturally in the environment. These landmarks often possess exceptional beauty, scientific interest, or historical significance. Some examples of natural landmarks include:

Caves: Formed over thousands of years by the slow dissolving of rocks, caves such as the small caves in the Marnsa Islands in the west of Southern Chernin or the Guvinonim Cave in Mori, offer breathtaking underground landscapes and unique ecosystems.

Waterfalls: Majestic cascades of water flowing over cliffs, like Sempora Waterfall in Southern Chernin and Havarin Waterfall in the Uganan Mountain Range/Defanis Mountain Range, are both awe-inspiring and a vital part of the local ecosystem.

Geysers and Hot Springs: Natural hot springs and geysers, like the hotsprings and the notable Perminar Hotsprings in the Defanis Mountain Range, showcase the Earth's geothermal activity and provide unique habitats for various organisms.

Cliffs and Rock Formations: Cliffs and Rock Formations in Dakea include the cliffs of the Marnsa Island, Uganan Mountain Range, and the Uganan Mountain Range meeting the sea which is named Akariaq Cliff ,offer stunning views and insights into the geological history of the Earth.

Forests and Groves: Dense, ancient forests like the Dashwam forest in the Saneakan SR or the temperate rainforests of the Uganan Forest next to the Uganan Mountain Range provide habitats for countless species and store vast amounts of carbon, playing a crucial role in regulating the global climate.

Mountains and Ranges: The Uganan or the Defanis Mountain Range holds the Sierra Tuminski (4017 meters) which is the one of the places in Dakea to have snow, and mountains offer diverse ecosystems and serve as natural borders for various regions. The Dakean Bird/Acilonda lives in those mountains

Islands and Archipelagos: Unique island formations like the Southern Chernin Islands in Mori, with their rich and diverse wildlife, formed by volcanic activity, the islands are natural wonders and important research sites for scientists.

Lakes and Seas: Large bodies of water like the Dakean Sea, or the Madim Lake in Fakuna which is 19km long and the deepest and largest lake in Dakea and shown with their majestic wildlife, provide essential habitats for aquatic life and offer unique geological and ecological features.

These natural landmarks serve as vital components of the Earth's ecosystems, showcasing the planet's and Dakea's diverse beauty and offering valuable insights into our planet's history and ongoing geological processes.

Southern Chernin


Landmarks are distinct locations or structures that hold significant cultural, historical, or architectural importance. They often serve as symbols of a place's identity, heritage, or achievements, attracting tourists and locals alike. Some examples of landmarks include:

Monuments and Statues: Structures (Saneaka: People's Statue, Cenativ Zena's and other leaders Mausoleum, CPD Square, King Dakea statue, and Varinad monument near the parliament) (Others: People's Square for the Uganans, Uganan King Dakea Statue, Christ's tower in the Uganan Mountain Range, The Cenativ Statue in Mori, and much more are iconic symbols that represent freedom, hope, or religious devotion.

Historical Sites: Landmarks such as the Noba fort, Intremes Fort in Saneaka from the colonial era, Gubena Castle in Uga City, or the Sampar Cave city in Outer Fakuna offer glimpses into the past, showcasing the achievements and ways of life from different historical periods.

Religious Structures: Sacred sites like the Noba Cathedral, the Bashwavi Temple in Passo, or the Uganan Cathedral which is the biggest church in Dakea, hold spiritual significance for millions of people around Dakea.

Museums and Galleries: Institutions like the People's Republic Museum in Saneaka, the Dakean History Museum in Saneaka, or the Uga Culture and History Museum, Art museum of Saneaka and Uga, and more, house and display invaluable collections of art, history, and culture, attracting scholars and visitors alike.

Architectural Wonders: Buildings like the Uvar Town, where the king of the Chernin Empire lived, the Sibbara colonial fort in Sovi, or the Saneaka People's Stadium showcase innovative and stunning designs that represent the pinnacle of architectural achievements.

City Landmarks: Iconic structures or areas within cities, such as Parliament of Dakea, Pashivadna Modern City in Saneaka, or the Ugai Central in Uga, Saneaka Square, and much more, serves as central meeting points and symbols of urban life.

Bridges and Structures: Engineering marvels like the Highbridge in Saneaka, the Gonan Bridge in Nononono, or the Underground Bridge in Fakuna which is very deep, demonstrate human ingenuity and the ability to overcome engineering challenges.

Parks and Gardens: Green spaces like Parzesh Park in Saro, the Royal Garden/Parliament Park in Saneaka, or the People's Park in Saneaka next to the Saneaka Square, offer tranquil environments for relaxation and reflection, while showcasing horticultural achievements.

Landmarks play a crucial role in preserving and promoting our shared cultural and historical heritage. They serve as reminders of our past, inspire us in the present, and offer valuable lessons for future generations.

The Top 10 tallest tower in Dakea

1. People's Tower - Saneaka City (2013) (371m)
2. Dakfac Tower - Saneaka City (2008) (356m)
3. Uganan Tower - Uga City (2011) (333m)
4. Fakuna's Twin Towers - Fakuna City (2020) (330m)
5. Dakean Tower - Saneaka City (1986) (325m)
6. Muka Luxery Apartment - Saneaka City (2022) (315m)
7. Radio Tower 958 - Province of Sovi (1981) (313m)
8. CentralMall Tower Akani - Akani City (1999) (312m)
9. Grand Saneakan Hotel - Saneaka City (2007) (305m)
10. Iaiaaan Hotel - Uga City (1988) (300m)

About the Department of Tourism


This is just an overview of Dakea's Department of Tourism. The Department of Tourism was founded in 1982 and became a ministry of tourism instead of the Department of Industry which was the ministry holding the tourism industry. The Department of Tourism holds the tourist industry and promotes tourism to Dakea across the world. Here are the Secretaries of the DOT.

Gubar Beshiva (September 12, 1985 --) December 31, 1993)
Vacin Guva (January 1, 1994 --) December 31, 2015)
Tuven Guva (January 1, 2016 ---) Now)


In Dakea we have events that are from culture and more!

The Events

January 1 --) New Years celebration in Saneaka and Uga.
January 18 ---) Foundation Day Parade
February 14 ---) Valentines Day in Dakea
February 17 ---) Culture songs, Dakea (Chernin, Southern Chernin, Fakuna, Uga, Saneaka)
March 5 ---) Cominar Festival in Mori (mostly Persana)
March 24 ---) Mountain Festival (Saro)
Holy Week ----) Holy Week festivals
April 25 ---) Rock in Saneaka Concerts
April 27-May 5 ---) Summer Festivals
May 1 ---) Workers Day celebration across Dakea
May 5-10 ---) Gatida Makida Celebrations
May 25 ---) DPBC finals
June 1, ---) Swimming events in Saneaka
June 20 ---) Outer Fakuna Ballon Festivals (Fakuna hosts ballon rides everyday, it just is a major party in there)
July 25 ---) Salisd Festivals
August 6 ---) Saneaka Music Festival
August 24 ---) Buvar Day Festivals (Uga)
September 4 --) Saro Music Festival (Saro)
October 9 ---) Revolution Day Parade
October 12 --) Children's Day celebration
October 14 --) Constitution Day
October 31 --) Witches Day
November 2 --) All Souls Day
November 21 ---) First Leader's Day
December-January 1 --) Winter Festivals


Top 10 popular places (By tourists)

1. Saneaka Square and Saneaka Park --) Where military parades are held and known as the ''red square of Dakea''

2. Southern Chernin --) A tropical island with a lot of tropical activities

3. Intremes Fort --) Capital and main fort of the former Colony of Saneaka

4. People's Republic Museum and Dakean history museum --) Museum about the history of Dakea

5. Saneaka Cathedral --) Largest and main church of Saneaka and largest Catholic Church in Dakea

6. Parliament of Dakea --) Main Parliament of Dakea

7. Beshwavi Temple --) From Passo and a pre-colonial temple

8. Uganan Cathedral --) Largest church in Dakea

9. Gubena Castle --) Main fort, where the king lived, and capital of the former Uganan Empire

10. Saro --) The summer capital of Dakea. It's colder than most of Dakea.

We have culture and much more waiting in Dakea right now! Head to Saneaka and Uga for the cultures, head to Southern Chernin for the tropical life, visit Passo for history dating back to 200BCE and much more!

Visit Dakea

Visit Dakea! You can go now! Dakea is waiting for you!
