by Max Barry

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by Seevolin. . 1 reads.

Upcoming Seevolish Elections of 2023

The following will be listed in this article:
I. How the election will work
II. Election rules and regulations that candidates and their cabinet will follow
III. Votes Assigned to Each Constituent County
IV. The Oath to Swear in the Prime Minister and All of the Duties of the Prime Minister.

I. Allocated Based on Population Proportion
As a manifestation of the nation's commitment to representative governance, votes assigned to each constituent county in the Prime Minister elections adhere to a population-based proportional approach. This methodology is structured to facilitate an electoral equilibrium that respects the demographics of individual regions, bearing in mind that one vote symbolizes approximately 250 individuals.

By grounding the allocation of votes in population size, the methodology addresses disparities while respecting the demographic character of each county. It promotes an equilibrium that precludes disproportionate regional influence and upholds a balanced and calibrated electoral process.

The approach underscores a collective participatory ethos and positions each citizen's vote as a significant factor in shaping the leadership trajectory. It encompasses a shared vision and purpose across the nation, as the electorate collectively forges the direction of the nation's leadership through their votes.

This population-based voting model embodies the nation's dedication to democratic principles, guaranteeing that the choice of the Prime Minister resonates with the populace's values and objectives.
Ideally each constituency will do a vote at the local level, and cast all their votes based on the winning candidate.

II. Election rules and regulations that candidates and their cabinet will follow
The nominee will personally assign his members of the cabinet, and they are elected by association to the Prime Minister, with little restrictions, which are listed below.
IA. Willing Acceptance and Responsibility: Every cabinet member must willingly embrace the title bestowed upon them and all the duties it entails. Implicit in this acceptance is the acknowledgment that they can resign should circumstances dictate, albeit with a commitment to return once their obligations are fulfilled.

IIB. Blemish-Free Records: A prerequisite for cabinet inclusion rests upon an unblemished record. Cabinet members must be devoid of any felonies, acts of treason, or federal offenses, solidifying their status as torchbearers of integrity.

IIC. Domestic Commitment: To safeguard domestic interests, cabinet members should refrain from any previous roles within foreign public offices like Governors, Foreign Cabinets, or Armed Forces, except for positions involving embassies belonging to Seevolin. These exceptions are limited to embassies representing the nation or its populace.
III. This information is sensitive, and currently a state secret, or currently still being studied. The information will go public when it information is seemed true, and fair.
IX. As the winning nominee is sworn in, they must repeat the oath: 'I solemnly pledge to uphold the values of our nation, serve its citizens with unwavering dedication, and preserve the sanctity of our constitution. With integrity as my compass, I shall lead with humility, guided by the collective welfare. Upon completion, the nominee will be officially recognized as the Minister on November 11th, 2023.

