by Max Barry

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by The Cybernetic Federal Republic of Kaltovar. . 2 reads.

Reality 001 Alpha OOC Rules and Suggestions

Table of Contents

Rules, not Suggestions
Ban Escalation Procedure
Suggestions, not Rules

Rules, not Suggestions

1: Be respectful OOC, even if you don't like the person you're talking to. We're all people here and deserve to be treated with respect.

2: IC and OOC conduct are separate, so you can be rude IC. As long as you don't break any sitewide NS rules, most posts are going to be okay provided they do not contain extreme gore or explicit sexual content. Remember, NationStates is PG-13. That doesn't mean you can't ever swear or write anything violent, but please refrain from hardcore R rated material.

3: The Anti-Fascist tag refers to out of character behavior in areas we control. You may feel free to play an evil country in the RP itself. Let me be clear to any potential witch-finders reading this: Personal politics are also not our concern unless they start negatively impacting other players in an OOC way.

4: Strict no raiding policy: We rely on our embassies so people can play here, which means we won't tolerate you ruining our good name.

5: Zero tolerance for doxxing: If people want to say where they live, that's their business. However, if you reveal private information of another player without their consent you will be booted.

6: Zero strikes for sexual harassment: If someone says "Stop behaving inappropriately toward me" and you do not stop right away, you can be banned immediately and it won't be their fault it will be yours. You can be banned for it even if the person doesn't report it to the admins. Remember, sexually explicit content in general is not allowed here, but sexual harassment is worse and can also include unwanted flirting after being asked to stop.

7: Before a user is banned or has moderation action taken against them (except in emergencies, such as posting illegal material) that user must get a DM explaining why it is being done and who is doing it. The mod does not have to reply to questions about the explanation or talk to the person they banned after but must provide why they banned the person and identify themselves. This ban can be appealed directly to me (Kaltovar) on either Discord or Nationstates.

8: Label TGs encouraging people to swap regions as recruitment TGs!!!!!! Every non-labeled recruitment TG leads to an annoying mess I have to clean up. It's an NS rule so please make sure to label them! I have to clean these messes up personally and dear CHRYSLER Honda Ford Chevrolet it's not worth it.

9: Please avoid recruiting directly in the territory of other regions that aren't specifically friendly to recruiting. This is basic courtesy to other regions to protect our embassies and reputation.

10: Do not spread false rumors about other regions. We will try and judge whether you did so intentionally and moderate accordingly. Both are against the rules but unintentionally doing it isn't treated as strictly for obvious reasons. It's preferable to have sources if you're going to say anything negative about another region at all. True negative information is permitted so long as it doesn't reveal personal information and you do not foster drama. You can get stuff off your chest but don't linger or form hate mobs or start your own drama quest to get revenge against them for slighting us. We are us, they are them. Just focus on being us and being amazing and let anyone who has a problem with it be salty about it.

Ban Escalation Procedure

1st ban: 3 days
2nd ban: 7 days
3rd ban in same year: 1 month
4th ban in same year: Semi-Permanent, appealable by TG to Kaltovar.

Exception to normal structure: Intentionally spamming the RMB with copypastas and other obvious spam-trolling is an instant permanent ban, appealable by TG to Kaltovar. Same for sexual harassment.

Suggestions, not Rules

1: If you're already bored, skip the rest of these and go eat a cookie or something :3

2: Do not detonate a nuclear warhead on top of your own position.

3: Remember the human. Everyone is a person, even people who believe stuff IRL that you think is reprehensible. Maybe you're right and it is reprehensible. Still, remember the person you're talking to is human just like you.

4: Please try and label OOC talk. It's also appreciated if you can avoid posting OOC without also posting IC in the same post. Give the RP something to feed off so you don't drown it out with OOC chatter, you know?

5: Most of the earliest founders here are some form of minority. I'm aggressively queer, for example. It's recommended to keep an open mind and be okay with meeting lots of very different people. Some of them might follow religions or ideologies that make you uncomfortable and that's okay! It's part of learning about the giant and amazing world we live in. You will meet people from all across the political, religious, and cultural spectrums here. This will most likely include people who are further left and further right than you are. Remember that we are primarily a group of friends, not candidates for IRL political office. The main objective here is to have fun with friends, not discover the ultimate truth of the world. You're welcome to discuss and argue about real world politics on the Discord, but please remain respectful outside of the #flamewars channel.

6: Join our Discord!

7: It's strongly encouraged to avoid completely trashing another region on our RMB, or spreading false rumors about them. If you have grievances air them quickly, get them out of your system, and go back to making the region awesome. This is not their story, it's our story. A story about how damn awesome we are. Don't let people who aren't worth your energy take up too much of it. Especially since it drives other, non-involved people away. The only reason this is a suggestion and not a rule is because I /want/ people to be able to vent a little because I truly believe it reduces the amount of conflict and resentment in the long-term. If you take this too far we may have to take action to avoid making the NS admins justifiably grumpy with us.

8: Players should avoid making overly large alliances that dominate everything and if they do others should gang up to restore balance.
