by Max Barry

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by Kremiria. . 101 reads.


Issue: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Result: Cassocked priests and choirboys believe that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 1

Issue: Concussive Percussion
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -
Result: Tuba players are paid to quietly whisper into their instruments.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Small Claims
Result: The nation's atlases tend to go out of date every few weeks.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0

Issue: Going Postal
Result: Urban high-volume mailers now receive their mail via chauffeur-driven limousines.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: Most Likely to Secede
Result: Citizens are remarkably well involved in the political process.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 2

Issue: Oil's Well That Ends Well
Result: Wind farms are erected on shuttered oil platforms.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: Oil executives can be seen reluctantly cleaning oil-soaked birds.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Please Call 1-800-NTA-VRUS, Your Government May Be Compromised
Result: Printing out government documents requires the approval of at least three admins.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: This Green and Pleasant Land
Result: Excited shovel-bearing geeks wander the countryside.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Formerly fertile fields are being leached dry of nutrients by intensive farming.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: The Meaning of Life
Result: Elderly prisoners with severe dementia are reminded hourly that they are evil people by helpful nurse-wardens.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Jolly Roger Sighted Off the Port Bow!
Result: The nation's navy has been named the scourge of the seven thousand seas.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, -0.5

Issue: Suffer Little Children
Result: Teachers are skilled at leaving no evidence of child cruelty.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: Children are disappointed to learn that cavemen never had a yabba-dabba-doo time riding dinosaurs to work.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Come on Baby, Fight My Fire
Result: Disaster victims are viewed with disdain.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, 2

Issue: The Queen in Yellow
Result: Mystics are claiming that a simultaneous rise in scepticism and education budgets is correlation rather than causation.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Wipe Out Graffiti?
Result: Graffiti graces every city's streets.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0.5

Issue: Rise of the Machines
Result: Artificial intelligences seeking exciting work are overcome with ennui.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0

Issue: A Walk in the Park
Result: Glamping Kremirians won't sleep in a tent that doesn't include a Jacuzzi.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Drive My Car
Result: Traffic cops spend most of their work-hours calculating citizens' monthly income.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, -1

Issue: Different Keystrokes for Different Folks
Result: Edutainment video games are taking Kremiria's students to the next level.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 1

Issue: Watts Up With Rooftop Solar
Result: The government is funding experimental battery technology while the power grid continues to crumble.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 0.5

Issue: The Prisoners' Dilemma
Result: The weather report is the prisoners' favourite programme.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Appointment of a Science Advisor
Result: Advertisements for jobs in the sciences run in fashion magazines.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: Every new toxic waste dump comes with a seal of approval from the government's science advisor.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Going Off the Rails
Result: Anyone who so much as frowns risks being referred to a mental health unit.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, -0.5

Issue: Munchkins in Makeup
Result: A girl's success in life is often linked to her performance in beauty pageants.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0

Issue: When in Maxtopia
Result: At least 1% of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs budget goes to Leader's wardrobe.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 1

Issue: Putrid Predicament
Result: The diplomatic corps stinks.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 0.5

Issue: I Spy a Diplomatic Crisis
Result: Shaken martini sales have soared in nations surrounding Kremiria.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: Citizens have reported seeing strange rays of light emanating from the moon.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Should the Government Grant Estates and Titles of Nobility?
Result: Citizens are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 2

Issue: A Lack of Comma Sense
Result: Kremirians are fixin' ta comma any way they wanna.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0

Issue: Students Demand Financial Aid
Result: The number of students attending university has reached a record high.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 2

Issue: Playing It by the Numbers
Result: Sofas are perpetually on sales that Must End Soon.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1
Result: You need a signed affidavit from a registered psychiatrist to claim that you have crazy low prices.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Tribes and Tribulations
Result: Foreign policy often involves bullwhips and leather.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Extremists on the Ballot Sheet
Result: Most governmental positions are filled by zealous nationalists.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Freemium Isn't Free
Result: The Twelve Steps To Logging Off is the most popular mobile download.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 1

Issue: The Bark Knight Rises
Result: People can't decide between preserving forests and buying print copies of 'Dogman Versus The Giggler'.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 0.5

Issue: Oh, the Angst!
Result: Schools have extensive counseling programs for troubled students.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, -2

Issue: Park That Thought
Result: A faint smell of body odour can be detected at several miles distance from the National Science Park.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 0.5

Issue: Last Call for Alcohol?
Result: Bars are packed at all hours.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1, -0.5

Issue: They Took Our Gubment!
Result: The Smalltopian embassy doubles as an electoral campaign headquarters.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0

Issue: Furnished for Failure
Result: Clumsy self-injury is a viable claim in modern compensation culture.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Personal injury lawyers are demanding compensation from the government after recent reductions in manufacturer liability.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Military Uniforms Under Scrutiny
Result: Soldiers are equipped with multi-million mark battlesuits.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: The Germ of an Idea
Result: It is illegal to distribute Girl Guide Cookies without an advanced food hygiene diploma.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, -0.5

Issue: Heads Will Roll
Result: Stylish juvenile delinquents are highly overrepresented in fatal motorcycle accidents.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Motorcycle riders are required to wear so much gear they've been nicknamed "Stay Pufts".
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Cheek to Cheek
Result: People often get liposuction to reduce their air fares.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Get Thee Behind Me, Santa.
Result: Children usually cry on their first day of school.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Silence Is Golden
Result: From the highest mountain to the deepest cave - one can always count on finding a good cell signal in Kremiria.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Extra Credit?
Result: Lending money has become a major liability.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Compulsory Organ Harvesting Proposed
Result: Organ donation is compulsory.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Video Games Too Violent, Say Parents
Result: The children of Kremiria are often remarked upon for their cheery attitude to extreme violence.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0.5

Issue: Water Supply Problems Becoming a Major Drain
Result: Major cities are suffering under water rationing.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: Mining Blues
Result: Pocket calculators are seen as status symbols for the ostentatiously wealthy.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: The latest "must-have" uPhone is 1/4 mm thinner than last year's uPhone.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Summit Security Spending Stirs Strife
Result: Rioting during the nation's hosting of ORDER caused one million marks of property damage.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0.5

Issue: Has Beans
Result: Advertisers are struggling to make water sound cool to a twitchy public.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, -1

Issue: Tourists Wearing Out Their Welcome?
Result: Tourists outnumber citizens two to one.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Externalities Palmed Off
Result: Both diets and economic output are growing leaner with recent restrictions to free trade.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: How to Print Money?
Result: Most mark coins are riddled with bite marks.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Curtains for the Horrorshow
Result: The mood of raunchy movies is often ruined by the sound of babies crying.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Forty-year-old men are asked for their ID before watching the latest pony cartoon movies.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: A Shot in the Arm
Result: Vaccinations are mandatory.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1
Result: Science centers and state of the art laboratories are ubiquitous.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Government and CO
Result: In government offices a hidden killer takes the lives of ministers and civil servants.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0

Issue: A Request for Military Aid
Result: The country has been 'going shopping' by annexing nearby nations for their resources.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, -2

Issue: O Medication, Where Art Thou?
Result: Cooking with water and baking soda is considered patent infringement.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Illegal File-Sharing Flares
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -, -

Issue: Demonic Possession Getting You Down?
Result: The government regularly reassures citizens that there are no monsters under their beds.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, -0.5

Issue: A Foreign Exchange of Ideas
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -

Issue: Maternity Leave a Must, Say Mothers
Result: The nanny industry has had a boom after maternity leave was recently banned.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Varsity Blues
Result: On graduation day the hats thrown in the air fly high enough to stun passing pigeons.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, -0.5

Issue: If Your Election Lasts Longer Than Four Weeks...
Result: Arbitrary election rules are considered sacrosanct.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0.5

Issue: Quickie Marriages Under Scrutiny
Result: The breathalyser pledge is a traditional part of marriages in Kremiria.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2
Result: 'A is for Annulment' is a popular children's song.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Ban the 'Boards, Say Pedestrians.
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -
Result: Skateparks can be found in every city.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Do Good Intentions Make Good Samaritans?
Result: Claiming to have performed the Heimlich Maneuver is a popular defense for assault charges.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Children's books regularly feature formerly distressed damsels suing their princes.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Animal Experimentation Laws Under Scrutiny
Result: Several citizens have complained about scientists abducting their pets for experimentation.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Vote for 'None of the Above'?
Result: Elections have become procedural nightmares due to voters persistently rejecting candidates.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Doctors' Orders
Result: Doctors who mutter "Oh my God" often lose their medical license.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: Pregnant hitchhikers with signs requesting rides to "competent care" are a common sight on Kremirian roads.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Computer Users Fed Up With Heaps of Spam!
Result: Computer users are buried daily in thousands of unsolicited emails.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 0

Issue: Right of Way or Wrong of Way?
Result: Large areas of Kremiria are not accessible by the public.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Where There's Smoke
Result: The government's only official statement on the burning down of Federal City was that 'they shouldn't have been so careless'.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5
Result: Reports of arson have doubled since the introduction of a privatised fire protection service.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Can't Get Enough of You Baby
Result: The love has gone in Kremiria.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2
Result: Parents tell their children 'what a lovely mistake you turned out to be'.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: The Forbidden Fruit
Result: Sending sick politicians "Get Well Soon" cards is considered bribery.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 1

Issue: Making Money Hand Over Fist
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -
Result: Major boxing matches are held in government buildings.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Patriotism Flagging
Result: Interest in globalism never flags.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 1

Issue: Put a Fence Around the Commons Floor?
Result: Politicians tend to jump ship to whichever party is currently leading in the polls.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: Nothing gets the party jumping like Supreme Leader specifying how high.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Your Stuff Is Forfeit
Result: Kremirian police have to pay out of their own pockets for bulletproof vests.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 2

Issue: "Don't Dam Our Rivers, Damnit!" Say Protesters
Result: Scenic mountain valleys are flooded with water as damming projects get underway.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Wind Farms Blowing Up a Storm
Result: The countryside is shrouded by wind farms.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: Kremiria has one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: My Eyes Are Up Here
Result: A cat may look at a king and a dude can look at an ass.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0

Issue: Double Down on Double Time?
Result: Takeaway food bought on the weekend now comes with fifty percent more sweat and tears.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: The price of takeaway food quadruples after 6pm.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: The Appropriate Amount of Appropriation
Result: Prominent cultural symbols are featured on the backs of cereal boxes.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0.5

Issue: Augmented Reality Check
Result: People seem disproportionately distraught when told a museum has a phones-off policy.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0.5

Issue: Leader, Don't Tear Down That Wall!
Result: Government theft from poor artists to give to rich allies has been dubbed the "reverse Robin Hood" policy.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, -0.5

Issue: Blooming Out of Proportion
Result: Hedge fund managers are diversifying into herbaceous borders.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Hearsay Heresy
Result: Witnesses have to run a gauntlet of mob enforcers to testify at trials.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: A Midsummer Night's Snooze-Fest
Result: Emojis are the soul of wit.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Chrome-clad space marines are such stuff that dreams are made on.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Going on the Cyber Offensive
Result: School teachers check the staff room for hidden webcams before complaining about rebellious students.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: What's Got Into Kremiria?
Result: Grocery stores can be audibly identified by the giggling emerging from them.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0

Issue: The Big Fat Kremirian Wedding
Result: The Finance Ministry posts hourly updates on where taxpayer money is spent.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: Mine Collapse Rocks Kremiria
Result: Mining is the nation's most dangerous occupation.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: Mining safety laws are often more expensive than what's being mined.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: A Question of Bad Faith
Result: Cults that offer eternal life after death to those who follow a self-sacrificing saviour are frowned upon.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: Burnt-out forty-foot-tall wicker men dot the countryside.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Give the Red Light District the Green Light?
Result: Sales of fishnet stockings have reached a record high.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Looking Down in the Dumps
Result: It's best not to ask what goes into Federal City Fried Chicken's secret blend of herbs and spices.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, 0

Issue: Child Casino Shock
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -
Result: Young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Tourists on Death Row
Result: The government has little issue with allowing its citizens to languish in foreign jails.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, -0.5

Issue: Period Drama
Result: Tampons are used as cheap fishing bobbers.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: A Violet Trojan Horse
Result: Political talk shows often have children as guests whenever they need commentary on world religions.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Possession, Protection or Poppycock?
Result: Turning eighteen is often referred to as the 'Age of Aquarius'.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: You Got Stones
Result: Brancaland has gifted over nine thousand putrid moose carcasses to Kremiria as a reminder of their "special relationship".
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Do You Want Fries With That?
Result: A historic rise in the minimum wage has crushed the economy with inflation.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Cloning Research Promises New Breakthrough
Result: Scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Resistance Is Fertile
Result: Chickens frolic freely on swings and roundabouts in Federal City's playgrounds.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, -2

Issue: The Sickest Criminals
Result: The only way to escape lengthy prison terms is in a body bag.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Should Democracy Be Compulsory?
Result: Voting is voluntary.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: Bigtopian interference in domestic elections is always democratically sanctioned.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Conventional Wisdom
Result: Leader's speeches are beloved by insomniacs.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Clasp of Controversy
Result: Psychiatrists bizarrely accompany Leader to meetings with foreign heads of state.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0.5

Issue: Sick Days for Sick Waves
Result: Board shorts have replaced board rooms.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: The Great Wall of Kremiria?
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -, -

Issue: Government Saturated in Corruption
Result: The government has enacted freedom of information.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: All in the Family
Result: Family isn't who you're born with but who you abandon in foreign countries.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: No Country for Old Men
Result: Octogenarian swimsuit models insist that they've still got it.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Jumping the Sharknado
Result: Cinemas play art-house movies to ever-shrinking audiences as film critics rule the industry.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Dying for a Kiss
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -

Issue: The Trolley Problem
Result: The Museum of Blackacrean War Crimes is located on "Blackacre Did Nothing Wrong Avenue".
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0.5

Issue: Rocky Road
Result: Roadside walls are being built and mother nature is paying for it.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0

Issue: Sacramental Tax Time?
Result: Religious organizations are being forced to leave the country or pay income taxes like everybody else.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, -0.5

Issue: Marry, Marry, Quite Contrarily
Result: The government's stance on marriage is 'Let Kremirians marry themselves'.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2
Result: Gay couples have to travel to Brancaland to find a church that will actually let them wed.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: A "Friend" in Need
Result: People believe that if you teach a man to fish he won't buy fish from you any more.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2 (Corruption, Foreign Aid)

Issue: Smokers Cornered
Result: The contraband cigarette trade is lighting up across Kremiria.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Fantastic Beasts and How Kremiria Harmed Them
Result: Whales in captivity live in little more than glorified goldfish bowls.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Dàguó Takeaway
Result: Plain-clothes police officers follow Dàguó tourists everywhere they go.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0

Issue: Prayer in Public Schools?
Result: Religious education is a new government priority.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Religion is strictly forbidden within school grounds.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: The Bottom of the Gun Barrel
Result: Unemployed youngsters trained to kill are being released en masse into society.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Florists Blooming Mad
Result: Visions of giant pink Dragons are a common side effect after Kremirians eat their meals.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Minority Group Demands Language Recognition
Result: A National Academy regulates grammar and usage.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Running From Time
Result: The only crimes that get investigated are doughnut heists.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: The Road to Blackacre Ends Here?
Result: The nation turns a blind eye to human rights abuses in its quest for athletic supremacy.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: Some Kremirian athletes have defected to Blackacre after being denied the chance to compete in international sporting events.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Protesters Have Gone Too Far, Claim Police
Result: Protests are legal but strictly supervised.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: The Show Must Go On
Result: Teens are voting on which C-List pop star will be next to be evicted from the opera house.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: Mournful opera fans place bouquets of roses at a 3000 capacity parking lot.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Leader, Put on the Yellow Light
Result: Conspiracy theorists allege Federal City's new subway map resembles Satanic symbols.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Brotherly Love - a Bit Too Close to Home?
Result: Inter-species marriages are ignored by the government.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1, -1

Issue: Wiki Worries
Result: The "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The Federal City Times is sold out.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 2

Issue: Stop the Suits, Say Surgeons
Result: Medical lawsuits are out of control.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0.5

Issue: No Sex Please, We're Kremirian
Result: Relationship guidance consists of "lie back and think of Kremiria".
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Too Much Yakking, Already, Say Delegation
Result: Kremiria's children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: The right to free speech is being drastically curtailed.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Budget Time: Accountants Excited
Result: Citizens are enjoying a recent large cut in taxes.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Political Hacks
Result: Online weather reports are predicting five years of glorious sunshine for Kremiria.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, -1

Issue: You Buy That?
Result: Immersive video game experiences are interrupted by incessant disclaimer pop-ups.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2
Result: Playing an online nation simulation game legally obliges you to buy the creator's latest novel.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Intersex Athletes Demand Level Playing Field
Result: Muscular women are banned from competing in sporting competitions.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: The 'kind of scrawny' 500 meter hurdle is a popular event.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Mobile Maladies
Result: Crowded passenger trains are near-silent save for the soft tap of fingers on touchscreens.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Alien Invaders
Result: It's always rabbit season.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Kremirians Literally Exploding With Excitement
Result: Kremirian tourists are banned from many nations due to their tendency to randomly explode.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1, -1

Issue: Grand Prix de Kremiria?
Result: The automobile industry is sitting up and taking notice of the new 24 hour race events... as are the track's sleepless neighbours.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Bait and Switch
Result: Kremirian farm salmon are known for being both horribly diseased and remarkably acrobatic.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: Sergeant McCool Reporting for Duty
Result: Conscripts often volunteer for a second tour of duty so they can get a ticket to next year's Army Revue.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, -1

Issue: How to Examine Your Testees
Result: Home education can sometimes be a load of bullocks.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 2

Issue: A Blast From the Past
Result: The tools of the trade for landmine clearance appear to be copious amounts of gasoline and a box of matches.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2
Result: Military equipment stores have a tendency to go up in flames.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Pensioners in Protest
Result: Senior citizens can usually be found doing heavy manual labour.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0.5

Issue: Leader and the Chocolate Factory
Result: Short shrift is being given to applications for political asylum from illegal immigrants.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, -0.5

Issue: Ambassadors Inextraordinary
Result: Most ambassadors from Kremiria retire only a few years after being appointed.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Is There an Election in Marche Noire or Are You Just Happy to See Us?
Result: Foreign despots proudly bandstand on Kremirian airwaves.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: You Can't Handle the Tooth
Result: Kremirians incessantly needle their doctors for relief.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: Raver DJ XStacy holds multiple medical degrees in chillaxing.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Bicameral Backlash
Result: Leader's power is effectively nullified as no bill becomes law without the upper house's support.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2
Result: Snap elections are called over every minor impasse.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Hey Kid, Have a Cigar
Result: 50% of adverts on children's television are for clothes made of cotton wool.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0

Issue: Cruel or Unusual?
Result: Drug lords often avoid prison time by teaching "chemistry" classes to underprivileged youth.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Some Body to Love
Result: Customer satisfaction with online delivery services is at an all time high.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, -1

Issue: Rock 'n' Roll Suicide
Result: Every workday begins with group therapy.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: They See Me Trollin', They Threatenin'
Result: Internet moderator is one of the most popular jobs among the nation's more socially awkward citizens.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: Conscientious Objectors Want You... To Let Them Abstain
Result: Priests are being drafted by the church load.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, -1

-------------International incident---------------
Issue: Diamonds Are an Expat's Best Friend!
Result: The nightly news reports prosaically on the government blindly throwing money at despotic kidnappers.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Sanctions, Sanctions Everywhere!
Result: Toilet paper is considered a non-essential item in the embargo against Brasilistan.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: The Third Horseman of Brasilistan
Result: Brasilistan has been announced as the nation's newest colony.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Time for a Colonyoscopy!
Result: The nation has gained millions of new citizens overnight.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2
Issue: A Really Sour Lemon
Result: Ambitious "businessmen" use their children to sell and advertise their products.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1
Result: Citizens sell their moldy bread as homemade penicillin.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: The Cost of Freedom
Result: Private law firms are unheard of.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, -1

Issue: A Peeping Problem
Result: Kremirians are regularly fired for looking at MyFace during their lunch breaks.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5
Result: Workers tend to schedule naps during all-hands meetings.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No, It's... Oh, It Was a Plane
Result: Foreign planes and migratory birds are shot down as spies.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: All Shook Up
Result: Earthquake sirens are a leading cause of hearing loss.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: The Devil's Playground
Result: Occam's razor has sliced to pieces any childhood belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Oh Kremiria, What Obscene Children's Books You Have
Result: Explicit slash fiction is repackaged for kindergarten kids as stories about friends cuddling friends.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, -1

Issue: Software Giant Stomps on Competition
Result: The government has begun breaking all large businesses into thousands of mom-and-pop general stores.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Armed and Legging It
Result: Community-designed sword prostheses are becoming dangerously common.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, -0.5

Issue: Waste Going to Waste, Says Industry Lobby
Result: Dragons with strange deformities like three eyes and tentacles have been seen prancing through the countryside where industrial waste is dumped.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: You Just Sank My Battleship!
Result: The military has forsaken terrestrial warfare.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Gotta Go Fast
Result: Employees who skip lunch to avoid sub-par cafeteria food risk getting fired.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: A Little Wrestling, a Lot of Controversy
Result: The government loves seeing the little people fight.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5
Result: Endocrinology is a rapidly growing field of study.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Uncultured Singles in Your Area
Result: Preservative-laden Kremirian cheeses will be as edible when archaeologists dig them up next millennium.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5
Result: The law forbids arson, murder, and low-quality cheese.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Bug 'Em All, Say Police
Result: It is illegal for police officers to carry out searches due to strict privacy laws.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 2

Issue: The Hit Parade
Result: There's never enough space in space.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: AI Researchers Rally for Android Rights
Result: Only 'organics' are permitted to be citizens.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: A Matter of Loaf and Death
Result: New government leaflets tell coeliac children to eat more crisps.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0, 0

Issue: Fair to Say...?
Result: Tech-mad citizens think that the laser-powered bread-slicer uPhone App is the coolest thing since sliced bread.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 1

Issue: Court in the Middle
Result: Judicial torture is outsourced overseas.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1
Result: The justice of Kremiria is considered superior to that of other nations.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Side Effects
Result: Industry tycoons rarely hide their misdeeds due to the government's habit of bailing them out.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2, -2

Issue: Your Land or Mine
Result: No-one can foil the ambitions of Big Aluminium.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0.5

Issue: A Political Cock-Up
Result: Politicians "baring all" for the camera isn't always a figure of speech.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: The Issue With Issues
Result: Only clowns with PhDs from clown college can advise Leader on Kremiria's coulrophobia epidemic.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Supreme Leader can often be found attempting to coax random citizens' cats down from trees.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: It's an Honour Just to Be Condemned
Result: There's no such thing as bad publicity.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: One Wife Is Never Enough, Say Polygamists
Result: There have been reports of people marrying housepets.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: There have been reports of people marrying housepets.
Result: Citizens recently voted in favour of declaring bubblewrap an 'abomination of nature'.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: That Sinking Feeling
Result: Tourist operators promise visitors tours of live burning shipwrecks and plane crash sites.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0

Issue: Close Encounters of the Sci-Fi Kind?
Result: UFO sightings are listed daily in the morning news.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Burn Noticed
Result: The Man in the Plastic Mask has been imprisoned in the Capital Penitentiary.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: The Jaws of a Dilemma
Result: Big game hunters travel to Kremiria to try their hand at shark-shooting.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0.5

Issue: Space Is Big Enough for the Both of Us
Result: East Lebatuckese astronauts' favorite game during downtime on the Multinational Space Station is 'I Spy'.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2, 2

Issue: Xe Said, Zhe Said
Result: Kremirians refer to transgender people with insults instead of pronouns.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Syntax Destruction
Result: Government reports are now used to teach toddlers to read.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Turning a Blind Eye?
Result: Blind dates tend to result in bruised shins.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Ransoms Noted
Result: The "war on terror" doesn't seem to be making Kremirians any less frightened.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Alone in the Dark
Result: Prisoners can't do number twos without their "toilet buddy" present.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 2

Issue: Hackles Raised Over Fur Clothes Debate
Result: Fur coats have become the latest fashion trend.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: The wearing and manufacture of fur apparel is banned.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: The War to End All Wars
Result: Anniversaries of major historical events pass unnoticed.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: The nation grinds to a halt on the anniversary of every marginally noteworthy event.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: How Much Democracy Is Too Much?
Result: Referenda are held for every conceivable government action.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, 1

Issue: A Sport Retort
Result: Children's bedrooms are often decorated with posters of successful accountants.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 2

Issue: Quacking Up
Result: The acceptance of acupuncture and other alternative therapies has needled the scientific community
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, -1

Issue: Mal Appetit!
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -

Issue: The Fast and the Fossilized
Result: Old dogs don't have to learn new tricks but they have to prove they haven't forgotten old ones.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Compulsory Military Service Under Attack
Result: Children as young as twelve are conscripted into the armed forces.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Trick or Treaty
Result: Citizens cannot change their light bulbs without approval from an international committee.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Tilting at Wind Turbines
Result: Politicians that report exaggerated crowd sizes for their speeches are dismissed for being delusional.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Two Mommies One Too Many?
Result: An increasing percentage of the population's youth have homosexual parents.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0

Issue: Cancer Sufferer Demands Euthanasia Bill
Result: Euthanasia is legal.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Bye Bye to the Birdies?
Result: It is illegal to brush crumbs off your clothing outdoors.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Carbon Emissions Are Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Result: With increasingly clear skies nobody seems to mind the electricity bill going through the roof.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Dirty Little Minds
Result: Life expectancy is way down but posthuman perfectionism is way up.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0
Result: Corrupt industrial practices are spreading like a plague.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Much Ado About Abortion
Result: Abortions are routinely performed in the nation's hospitals.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: The Plane Truth
Result: Travelers often bring empty plastic bottles on Air Kremiria flights to avoid the pay lavatories.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Bus Drivers Say No to Double-Decked Deathtraps
Result: Kremiria's heavy congestion charges are the bane of motorists' lives.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1

Issue: Sergeants Are Too Nasty, Say New Recruits
Result: Dismissed
Rating (-2 - 2): -

Issue: Of Mice and Meth
Result: Tourists aren't the only ones that talk about coming back from a trip.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: A Whiskey Rebellion Brewing
Result: Many whiskies taste suspiciously like automobile radiators.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5, 0

Issue: Stage Directions
Result: In musicals everybody's a little bit racist.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Big Brother Is Watching You Surf
Result: Cyber-crime and tin-foil hat sales are both increasing at record rates.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: Imitation Station
Result: Drivers regularly pull over for nonexistent police cars.
Rating (-2 - 2): -0.5

Issue: Drug Deal
Result: Doctors accused of having no heart reply that cardiology isn't their speciality.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 0.5

Issue: Scouting for Boys, Girls... Anyone?
Result: No one knows how to tie a reef knot.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5
Result: Selfie stick use is a required Scout badge.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Leader Assassinated... Almost
Result: Citizens simply have to point a weapon at a government official to get what they want.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: What's in a Name?
Result: Dragon is one of the most popular forenames in Kremiria.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Controversial Coup Causes Commotion
Result: The art of conversation has been rediscovered.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, 0.5

Issue: Citizens Struggle Under "Unfair" Tax Burden
Result: Citizens select which government department gets their income tax marks each year.
Rating (-2 - 2): 1, 1

Issue: No Pain, No Gain!
Result: People regularly disappear off the streets and all evidence of them is destroyed.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me
Result: The installation of street lights across remote goat tracks has left citizens bemused.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0

Issue: Clean Switch
Result: Dubiously qualified Skandilundian barristers keep referring to laws as 'government guidelines'.
Rating (-2 - 2): 2

Issue: Soda Sales Hits New 'High'
Result: 'Mountain Doobie' is widely regarded as the nation's favourite drink.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: You Don't Have to Be Mad to Kill People... But It Helps
Result: Prisons are filled with the cackles and sobs of a deranged inmate population.
Rating (-2 - 2): -1

Issue: Number One Fan
Result: Leader's told that love often manifests itself through homicidal four-lettered litanies.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5

Issue: Organic Outburst
Result: All-natural foods are becoming a major fad.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: The Truth Is Out There?
Result: The government blames all suspicious phenomena on flying saucers.
Rating (-2 - 2): -2

Issue: Any Body for Science?
Result: Sneezing pedestrians are grabbed by alley-lurking doctors.
Rating (-2 - 2): 0.5, -0.5

