by Max Barry

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by The Dead Meme of Dekks. . 198 reads.

Solidarity Newspaper: Issue 27

News Service of The Democratic Socialist Assembly Issue 27

Greetings, Comrades

Judicial Independence Act

The LinkJudicial Independence Act, A charter ammendment written by Dekks is up for debate until September 9th, after which it will move to a vote.

Europeia and Pacifica

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DSA has recently opened forum embassies with Europeia.

Embassies have also been opened with Pacifica.

Interview with Prole-land

Our 24th interview is with the Minister of Domestic Affairs of the 32nd Cabinet, Prole-land

⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you
first hear about it?

I joined some point in July, someone in a communist Instagram group told me about it.

⦁ When did you join the DSA? Were you just looking
at regions when you found us or did you come through
recruitment telegram?

I was getting overwhelmed by recruitment telegrams having just joined NS, giving massive essays about why their region was the best, then I just happened to stumble upon the DSA one which basically said "we're leftist lol" and I was sold.

⦁ What are some things you've come to enjoy about
the DSA most? A favorite memory?

I've come to love game nights, playing and cards against humanity and watching everyone draw p*nises in skribblio for no apparent reason.

⦁ What made you decide to join the DSA

Dekks asked me I thought why not, that's pretty much it.

⦁ Who are some people whom you've come to consider
good friends in the DSA?

Dekks has been there since the beginning and for that I'm grateful, thanks to him I've gotten quite involved in the DSA, but all of my cabinet aides are great people that I've gotten to know and enjoy playing games with.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples:
what your job (if employed)? Hobbies? Talents? etc

I'm gonna be starting sixth form in September, at the moment I plan to do maths physics and chem for a-levels. I dedicate quite a bit of time volunteering on Bernie Sanders's campaign; I have a 5 year old sister who I often unwillingly babysit; I love cooking; I also like playing video games despite being terrible at it. My only talent is sleeping for 10 hours and still managing to be tired somehow.

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What
do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more
simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?

I don't really know what I want to do yet, I know I want to go to uni and do something sciency, probably in physics/engineering. It's been a childhood dream of mine to go to space and establish a fully automated luxury gay space communist society but I'd be happy enough to see a revolution in my lifetime. If I can make a change somewhere that improves the lives of others, I'll have seen my life as having been worth living.

Interview conducted by: Dekks

Interview with Countriopia

Our 25th interview is with the Comrade Councillor for External Affairs of The Internationale, Countriopia

⦁ When did you first join NationStates? How did you
first hear about it?

Well, I joined NationStates a relatively long time ago, in November it will be 8 years. If I recall correctly I was googling some kind of political simulator and happened to find it. However, most of my time in the game, if I'm not mistaken, has been in RP regions. I didn't really participate much, usually becoming inactive too fast..

⦁ What have been some experiences you've had in TI and how did you end up being the Comrade Councillor for External Affairs there?

One of the recent experiences was the refounding of TI, in which many different comrades participated. It was a very important event, in which many people proved to be Comrades with capital C. We all were pretty nervous because of it. Fortunately, it turned out fine.

For the second part, my comrades nominated me and I accepted the nomination. In my humble opinion more people should start getting involved so that we can return to actual elections for more positions in the near future...

⦁ What has been your experience with the DSA up until now, how did you come to hear of the region and what plans do you have to keep having good relations in the future?

My experience with the DSA has been mostly through the eyes current TI members. We consider you allies. Regarding our differences, as far as I can tell, we have different foci on the ideological side of things. We are pan-leftist, but we certainly have more Marxist-Leninist and Anarchist members in general while the main impression I get from DSA is it has more Democratic Socialists and maybe some left-leaning liberals. And that in TI we have more people from this side of the pond.

⦁ What is your experience with the ILC and NSLeft, how do you see both organizations go into the future?

Well, I certainly have more experience with the NSLeft. I should join the ILC server, now that you mention it. I've been having a few busy weeks IRL.
I think that both organisations are good for linking leftist and left-leaning regions in their respective fields. While I would like to have more pan-regional NSLeft events, cooperation between our governments is quite good in my (limited) experience. Regarding the ILC, I think that having that kind of presence and power in the World Assembly is very good, especially when it irks rightwingers. While we are more centred on RL politics that doesn't mean that we can't contribute to it.

⦁ What do you do outside of NationStates? Examples: what is your job? Hobbies? Talents? etc.

Well, I'm a PhD student in engineering. So my job is that of a researcher who works mostly with numerical simulations of engineering processes. Other than that, I'm pretty boring. I used to ride a bicycle I had rented from the city where I live but I don't have that anymore. I play some videogames (mostly simulation related, such as Cities: Skylines or Kerbal Space Program) but very "casual". I don't mind using cheat codes to make things easier in some cases, for example. Talents? No, I don't have any silver, sorry :\

⦁ What are your plans for the future in your life? What do you hope to be or accomplish before you die? Or more simply and less macabre, within the next 20 years?

Oof, it is a very complicated question. I don't really know. The future feels pretty nebulous to me. If you told 12-year-old-me that I would be doing a PhD in Engineering I don't think she'd believe you, for example. I wish I could start helping other people where I live, both in short-term things and eventually in a takeover of the State by the working class. However, I need to improve in several areas: I become really anxious when I need to talk to people, I procrastinate way too much...

Interview conducted by: Dekks

Featured 5

Today we take a look at the 5 newest DSA nations as of writing this article.

United syndicats
Liberals of america

Worldbuilding Corner

Building your nation’s backstory and lore can be a fun and rewarding part of NationStates! Even so, it can be difficult to get started or to flesh out what lore you’ve already developed. The Worldbuilding Corner is a series of interactive articles featuring prompts to help you think about parts of your lore you may not have considered.

In today’s article, the fourth in the series, we’re going to be discussing something as easy as ABC, 123 – Education! Education is one of the most important elements of society, and determines so much about the population, character, and capabilities of your nation. With the recent Specialization System Beta released by our comrade Dankass Communes, it’s a great time to start thinking about how your populace gets educated to actually research those fields!

- What form does education take? How structured is it? Is it left for communities to decide, or is there a centralized education system – Perhaps a combination of both?

- What sort of accreditation are included in your education system, if any? Think GEDs and college degrees.

- If your nation has a centralized curriculum, what’s included on that? Do students have the opportunity to take elective courses, and if so, how many and to what degree? When do they first get the opportunity to pick their own courses?

- What are some of your nation’s biggest academic institutions? Organizations? What role do they play in society?

- In general, how is education approached? What’s your nation’s doctrine in that regard? Is it a utilitarian tool to prepare citizens for industrial work, a process designed to stimulate creative or rational thought? Perhaps something else entirely?

- Does your nation have any… esoteric sorts of schools? Places to learn the strange art pf meta-tuning and other such skills? How known are these, if any exist? Do they make up a significant part of society, perhaps even integrated into a standard education, or are they secretive places?

Coming up with these answers can be a great way to expand your factbooks and familiarity with your nation. Moreover, if you have some interesting tidbits to share on today’s topic, send a telegram to United Syndicates of Sol! You could be featured in next week’s edition. Please keep any writeups to fewer than 3 paragraphs, however, but feel no such restrictions writing your factbooks!

Article by: United syndicates of sol

Do You Want To Contribute To Solidarity?

This newspaper is not exclusive to cabinet ministers. Any and all DSA nations can contribute if they like. You can submit an article you'd like published in the next Issue. You can propose ideas to either Dekks or Xingal, about what you'd like to see in the next Issue. Or, if you're feeling ambitious, you can join the staff! You can become a writer and help in writing articles.
