by Max Barry

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by The Imperial Commonwealth of Zoygaria. . 69 reads.

Zoygarian National Anthem


La Marszą de la Korona

Teksta Zoyavski

De las montanias magnas al artika,
La Korona ité su marsz.
De li Kólvez a la Arrtrá,
La Korona ité su marsz.

Viva Zoyívska!
Tierra de liberta!
Viva Zoyívska!
La Aguila volva.

Viva Zoyívska!
Tierra de nos monarkha!
Viva Zoyívska!
Los soldades restán.

Marsz por la çituda magnika,
Niesto pedemos la fé.
Marsz por los gentos quí dalarán,
Niesto pedemos la fé.

Viva Zoyívska!
Tierra de liberta!
Viva Zoyívska!
La Aguila volva.

Viva Zoyívska!
Tierra de liberta!
Viva Zoyívska!
Nos pravmos de nos naçión!

The March of the Crown

English Lyrics

From the mighty mountains to the tundra,
The crown makes its march.
From the Kolvez to the Arrtra,
The crown makes its march.

Long live Zoygaria!
Land of liberty!
Long live Zoygaria!
The Eagle flies.

Long live Zoygaria!
Land of our monarch!
Long live Zoygaria!
The soldiers return.

March for the grand city,
We never lose our faith.
March for the people who carry on,
We never lose our faith.

Long live Zoygaria!
Land of liberty!
Long live Zoygaria!
The Eagle flies.

Long live Zoygaria!
Land of liberty!
Long live Zoygaria!
We're proud of our nation.

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