by Max Barry

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by Odrya dispatch. . 887 reads.

Official Odryan Constitution

Preamble: We the People of Odrya, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Odryan Republic.

Article I (Domestic Power and The Region)
1.1 The regional parliament shall protect any citizen of the republic or regions directly controlled by the region.
1.1a Any Member-state or embassy member withholds the absolute right to freedom of speech, as long as it does not have ANY links to fascism, racism, or sexism.
1.1b Any form of racism, sexism, fascism, antisemitism, religious discrimination, etc, is completely banned and shall be treated as treason of the highest order, resulting in ejection/ban.
1.1c Any nation found to be linked to these groups shall be immediately banjected without trial.
1.2 There is no limit on the number of posts at a time. So post to your heart's desire!

Article II (Government Jobs & Roles)
2.1 The Vice President is the second-highest government position in the region. They help with the Prime Minister's policies and discussions. If the President is off sick, or on a holiday, the Vice President takes control of the region for the duration of the President's leave.
2.2 The Minister of Defence is the republic's main defence from invaders and unwanted individuals. They reserve the right to eject and/or banject any member of the region if substantial evidence is provided against the member.
2.2a The evidence and punishment will almost always be delivered by the judicial system (see article 4).
2.3 The Home Secretary manages the home affairs of the republic. They reserve the right to border control to protect the republic in case of emergency.
2.4 The Foreign Secretary manages the external affairs of the republic. This means that they control alliances, embassies and diplomacy.
2.5 The Lead Military General is in charge of the republic's military. This is the only position in the region that is not elected on a regular basis, but instead only when the current general resigns.
2.6 Each government role has the right to the communications and polls permission to uphold order in the republic and make surveys.

Article III (Government Structure and Elections)
3.1 The President reserves the right to declare a regional state of emergency in times of crisis without a vote.
3.1a President is the head of the government and republic.
3.1b The two founders also have these rights, but can only use them in times of crisis.
3.2 Elections For all positions except Co-Founders take place on the fourth of every other month. The position of WA delegate is given to the elected the President
3.3 All member-states have the absolute right to vote in polls and elections, no matter in the WA, or citizen of the region.

Article IV (Judicial System)
4.1 The Odryan Judicial System is to be upheld by government officers.
4.2 The court will be called into session when 3 or more citizens express their wish for a trial/end to a debate.
4.2a The judge of the court will be decided by the people of the republic a day before the court is due to be called into session, like a mini election.
4.2b The judge should be impartial and not express any opinion on the matter at hand. They should also uphold the rights of citizens and the constitution.
4.3 Reason for trial must be true and genuine.
4.4 Citizens of the region have a right to try and impeach the current President, simply by requesting to do so. The court will then be called 2 days later to decide on a verdict.

Article V(Roleplay)
5.1 Most types of roleplay are accepted and encouraged in Odrya.
5.1a Changing your nation's ideology to fascism is only acceptable if the government knows you're not fascist.
5.1b Saying things such as 'I like fascism' are banned.
5.1c Roleplaying as the Third Reich or Großdeutsches Reich is illegal in the region.

Article VI (Domestic Affairs)
6.1 The Regional Parliament has no business in interfering with a nation's issues or personal matters.
6.2 Harassing Regional officers or constantly tagging anybody is forbidden and your posts shall be suppressed.
6.3 Debates Must be respectful of differing opinions.
6.4 The Prime Minister withholds the right to dismiss any officers of duty.
6.5 Spam is forbidden within the region. Spam in this case is defined as a repeated string of words or letters in one or more posts.
6.6 A criminal of another region is not to be returned to the said region if they are protected by the Odryan constitution.

Article VII (Embassy Rules)
5.1 The Region in question must have at least ten nations.
7.2 It also cannot be tagged 'fascist'.
7.3 Inactive regions will also be rejected, this means no messages within 2 days.
7.4 ANY breach of these rules shall result in a rejected request, and/or embassy closure.
7.4a Only historical and military exceptions apply.

Authored by: So pep, Kingdom of the peps, and Adephia, Kasase

Signatories: So pep, Kingdom of the peps, Sartell koltis, Rogue River, Kasase and Soviet repub.

Odrya dispatch
