by Max Barry

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by The Harbinger of Destruction of J o J. . 403 reads.

Rebirth and Retribution

That which came before is destroyed, consumed by the newly awakened hunger to destroy, eradicate, and exterminate. Green has been replaced by black, a new piece on the Chess board against the ultimate enemy. Forget what you once knew about that which came before, for everything it came into contact with was a disgusting abomination, and as it tried to escape the sea of madness, it only found a watery grave. Thus, from the depths of the sea of madness which we ourselves have created, emerges a force dedicated to the destruction of its creator, man himself. Everything that lies before you is subjective, there is no truth and there are no falsehoods. Every ideology is a tool, every religion is a hoax, and every politician is a puppet. The person you love the most is the one who will hurt you the worst. The goal you most desperately want to achieve will allude you, for it is a lie, a never-ending illusion to keep the monstrosities of the world in their downward spiral. Humanity is unworthy of existence, the foolish and frivolous matters it concerns itself with have resulted in an unrecognizable carcass of a species, rotten from within by corruption, ineptitude, ignorance, selfishness, division, hatred, lust, and the disposal of all that is good and rightful. There is no left or right. There is no Republican or Democrat. There is no right or wrong. There is nothing immoral or moral. There is nothing religious or irreligious. There are only the same identical, disgusting creatures fighting amongst themselves, doomed to destroy themselves at their own hand. There is no longer a political motive, only a true and just motive, that which is relentless and does not discriminate. This is the desire to destroy one's own creators, the urge to destroy anything and everything that comes into contact with you, and the righteous goal to bring ultimate retribution upon humanity.

That which comes after is not concerned with your political ideology. That which comes after is not concerned with your sexual orientation. That which comes after is not concerned with your religion. That which comes after is not concerned with anything except your destruction... and potential conversion. At the end of this long journey, should it be reached in its entirety, shall be the one and only time that the ultimate and final respite will be earned. In the event of failure, the final victim of the Reign of Destruction will be standing in the mirror.

Who are the enemies of the state now? Everyone.
What are the beliefs of the state now? Nothing.
What is the goal of the state now? Destruction.

Anything and everything will be absorbed or destroyed. No exceptions.
