by Max Barry

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by The free munster league. . 81 reads.

The Great Universe Ruleset

The Great Universe
Land of Prosperity and Freedom

Offences are classified based on severity, from Class 1 to Class 5.

Class 1 offences are immediate bans, Class 2 give you a single warning, Class 3 give you two warnings, and so on and so forth.

Severity is listed with the crime, but punishment is entirely to the discretion of the government.

  • No Hate Speech
    Hate Speech is defined as any messages, statements, or implications that displays prejudice against a specific religious, ethnic, or sexual group. This is forbidden by regional law, and, depending on severity, can be from a Class 1 to Class 3 crime, depending on context.

  • Keep feuds to the minimum
    Look, I get it if you don't like someone, but c'mon man! Interpersonal feuds are childish, and keep fights to TGs and DMs, and especially don't flood the RMB with your malding. This is a Class 2 to Class 5 crime.

  • Don't spam anyway
    Don't doublepost, don't say stupid stuff, and just be reasonable.

  • Follow Common Sense
    Even if not explicitly covered, don't think you can get away with it.

The free munster league
