by Max Barry

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by The Republic of The Chill Hills. . 24 reads.

Things To Do in Wintreath

Click on a link to learn more about how to get started, or scroll down to reach each one!

NationStates Region Page: Here | Discord Chat Server: LinkHere | Off-Site Forums: LinkHere

As one of the most open and personable communities in NationStates, we do a lot of chatting with each other. This is how we get to know each other, make friends, and talk about just about anything. In fact, we do so much chatting we have three platforms you can chat on.

  • The NationStates Region Page is where you can chat right here in NationStates! People often chat about everything from how they're doing to sharing information about their nation to weighing in on the current poll or question. And since it's part of NationStates, all you have to do is have a nation in Wintreath!

  • The LinkDiscord Chat Server is where real-time chat happens. Messages on the region page, forums, and Minecraft server are also posted on the Discord, meaning you can keep track of everything going on in one place! Citizens get access to the governance channel, where they can weigh in on how Wintreath is run, and Citizens can also join hangouts after one month, which are private channels for portions of our community and their allies to chat safely and comfortably.

  • The LinkForums are great for slower conversations when you don't want to take part in a live chat, and is also where we have games such as Werewolf, Spyfall, and Arena (to be added to this guide later). It's where you can apply for Citizenship, take part in forum roleplay, or weigh in on any area of Wintreath.

Introduce Yourself! Whichever parts of Wintreath you decide to become a part of, be sure to introduce yourself if you feel comfortable doing so! We would love to get to know you and learn what brought you to Wintreath, as well as anything in Wintreath you want to be a part of so we can help you get there! If you don't feel comfortable putting yourself out there, that's alright too. It's intimidating being a new person in a community! Feel free to hang out and get a feel for things until you are more comfortable.

Server IP: | Current Version: 1.20.1 | Map Link: | Forum Discussion: LinkHere | More Server Info: LinkHere

Our Minecraft server is almost brand new and still has plenty of space close to spawn for exploration and building! Or take one of the roads to the outskirts of civilization and find a place far away from anybody else. Along the way, you may run through NPC villages, geographic marvels, and the towns, buildings, and constructions of other players. We just ask that you not mess with other players' areas without their permission, just as you would want with your areas.

Joining: To join the server, you must request access. Just post your Minecraft username in this Linkthis forum topic or the #minecraft channel on Discord in order. Then set up your client with the information above. Once someone informs you that you have access, you should be able to start playing!

Become a Citizen
Join the Forums: LinkHere | Apply for Citizenship: LinkHere

If and when you decide you want to have a bigger role in the region, you should become a Citizen! Citizens have the full protections of our regional constitution, are able to fully weigh in on how Wintreath is run, and have access to more sensitive areas of the Discord and Forums. Even better, we've recently done away with Citizenship maintenance requirements, meaning that once your Citizenship is approved, it will be permanent unless you resign it.

To Become a Citizen: LinkJoin the forums. When signing up, be sure to use a real email address because you will be sent a validation email. Afterwards, Linkapply for Citizenship by answering the question on this form. Your application will usually be processed within 24 hours, and you'll be notified on the forums if your Citizenship was approved or if an issue came up that needs to be resolved first (this is very rare).

Cards Against Humanity
Discord Chat Server: LinkHere | CAH Bot Commands: LinkHere

The card game for horrible people comes to Wintreath! We host a weekly Cards Against Humanity game on our Discord every Monday night after 9PM Eastern time, but you can host your own games at any time. Games are ran by our Discord bot, Zaphyr, so the entire game takes place on the #zaphyr channel and your Discord DMs through a few commands that Zaphyr will guide you through as you're playing.

To Join: Join our LinkDiscord chat server. If you would like to be pinged when a game is about to happen, go to the #roles channel and click the Cards Against Humanity react icon (which looks like a joker card). You can also learn the commands to play or host your own games Linkhere.
