by Max Barry

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by The Nationalist republic of Skrakia. . 22 reads.

NATO 2022 RP rules

Welcome to the NATO2022 RP Rules

RP rules are created to comply with the charter, rules and general distribution of the entire RP so that everyone is equal before each other and does not have the right to make themselves more powerful than everyone else for no reason. ⚖️


• Adherence to the limits so that everyone is equal and everyone has a chance of 40/60, 50/50, 60/40, etc. This is necessary so that there is no spread of Non-RP.
• Every country of the RP should have political parties and the life of parties. This does not apply to the countries of Anarchy, but to all other countries and there are have presidents.

•Stats affect a nations economy and how long a country is able to continue a war.

•During a war a country cannot assassinate another countries leader


• Countries have their territories on the map and cannot annex or occupy the territories of another state until the members of the RP allow it to do so in an international vote.

•During a war a country cannot assassinate another countries leader

• To go to war with another state you must declare war and start hostilities after 15 real minutes so that your troops can prepare.

• In order to carry out a special military operation or a peacekeeping mission, it is necessary that 51% or more of the people voted for it in a poll

• You can do research on nuclear weapons without the consent of all members of the RP, but they will impose sanctions on you, because of this research and creation of nuclear weapons will be 14 days of IRL.

• Before publishing an RP post, you should write a title that briefly describes the content. It should consist of a minimum of 1 sentence and a maximum of 2 sentences.

If the player violated the RP rules more than 3 times, a vote is held where the sanction period is determined. (minimum 3x slow for 14 days, maximum nation research slow for 8x slow 28 days).


• Environment determines a countries natural defenses against invading forces

•Once a nation has decided where his or her nation is on the map they can not choose a different area for their country or their capital to move to unless given consent from a majority from a poll

Tundra or frozen:
*Vehicle and infantry movement and effectiveness reduced (invader and defender if their human development index is lower then 65)
*Navy effectiveness decreased (Both)
*Ariel Effectiveness decrease (invader)

*Navy effectiveness increase(both)
*artillery effectiveness increase(defender)
*Infantry and vehicles effectiveness decrease on small islands(defender)

*Infantry and vehicles effectiveness increase (both)
*Navy effectiveness decrease (invader)
*Ariel effectiveness increased (both)

Vehicles disabled (both)
Aerial and naval effectiveness decreased (both)
Infantry effectiveness increased(defender)

Sanctions & Embargo’s

Theirs three definitions to sanction Military,Diplomatic, and Economic sanctions. But we will only be talking about economic sanctions and diplomatic embargo’s

•Economic sanctions is region wide required sanction if a nations is attempting to use or develop WMDs like nukes in wars other than N-Day. Economic sanctions will drastically slow down requiring 14 IRL days to develop and use.
(Sanction’s don’t have to be enacted if all members of the RP consent to it)

•Diplomatic embargo is a pure voluntary embargo which a nation can unendorse another nation if they are showing hostile actions. The nations that is issuing the embargo can also convince others to place an embargo, but only with probable cause.
(This does not have to be related RP)

Space Travel and Colonization

•Upon preparing for space expedition and country must announce in the NATO2022 RMB

•Countries that own the Space Program Policy may assist other countries that do not own a space program

•The preparation time for travel inside the solar system is 1 week with Space Programs and 2 weeks for countries without Space Programs unless being offered assistance by a country with a space program.

•Space Expeditions that take place outside the solar system will require 1 month of preparation by default depending on the distance they are planning to travel

•No secret Colonizations, any secret colonization will be deemed unofficial and null

•FTL (Faster then Light) travel is by logic impossible and considered illegal
Any Hyper speed Space Vehicle can only travel 60% the speed of light which 111600 Miles/per second

More will be added later or edited
Any rules that are not placed such as invincible soldiers that’s because it’s common sense that nothing can be invincible
Based on…

RP rules are created to comply with the charter, rules and general distribution of the entire RP so that everyone is equal before each other and does not have the right to make themselves more powerful than everyone else for no reason. ⚖️

• Adherence to the limits so that everyone is equal and everyone has a chance of 40/60, 50/50, 60/40, etc. This is necessary so that there is no spread of Non-RP.

• Every country of the RP should have political parties and the life of parties. This does not apply to the countries of Anarchy, but to all other countries and there are have presidents.

• Countries have their territories on the map and cannot annex or occupy the territories of another state until the members of the RP allow it to do so in an international vote.

• To go to war with another state you must declare war and start hostilities after 15 real minutes so that your troops can prepare.

• In order to carry out a special military operation or a peacekeeping mission, it is necessary that 51% or more of the people voted for it in a poll

• Every country must have a factbook about the country's history, geography and politics. Until this happens, the country will not be a member of the RP and will be a "Non-RP" person.

• You can do research on nuclear weapons without the consent of all members of the RP, but they will impose sanctions on you, because of this research and creation of nuclear weapons will be 14 days of IRL.

• Before publishing an RP post, you should write a title that briefly describes the content. It should consist of a minimum of 1 sentence and a maximum of 2 sentences.

If the player violated the RP rules more than 3 times, a vote is held where the sanction period is determined. (minimum 3x slow for 14 days, maximum nation research slow for 8x slow 28 days).
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