by Max Barry

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by The Enlightened Democracy of Homide. . 1 reads.

Time-line of The History of the Enlightened Democracy of Homidé

The 1960s: the Revolutionaries and Progressive Socialism
During the 1960s groups of new left radicals started thinking about socialism, direct democracy, civil rights, and the sexual liberation movement and later started the enlightened liberation club in Wayho with literature by Karl Marx and enlightenment thinkers. Attempts were made by the capitalist ruling class to shut it down for having what they perceived as “dangerous ideas”, but the new left and enlightened liberation club eventually got too big to deal with force. Syra Cye had spread her and the clubs collective ideas and helped make them popular with the masses who had limited say in the government or workplace.

The 1968 Revolution and Establishment of the EDH
Starting in 1968 and ending in 1970 citizens overthrew the bourgeois representative democratic government and replaced it with enlightened democracy, a form of direct democracy with a direct-citizen legislature model but keeping the other parts of the representative model like departments and the president. The nation was renamed to the Enlightened Democracy of Homidé and after the first five year plan the capital of Progressa was built. The nation joined the Non Aligned Movement and State socialism was implemented for the economic system, some had the goal of implementing communism. Trans inclusive policies were implemented and homosexuality was legalized.

The 1980s and the Beginning of the Market Economy
Starting in the late 1980s the ELA started to liberalize the economy slightly, allowing for-profit organizations in the form of worker co-ops and abandoning state planning for commodities, leaving it for the welfare and social housing system instead.
