by Max Barry

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by The Celestial Realm 🌸 of Goddess Relief Office. . 880 reads.

Yggdrasil's Tea Club

That's right! We have a tea-drinking club! Tea is a favorite of mine and I drink every types of tea: Chinese, English, Japanese, Indian whether they are green, black, red, white, etc. I like to rotate them everyday but the personal favorite is jasmine tea since I kind of grew up on it! There is not one day where I don't drink at least a cup! What kind of teas do you like? (To join the club, scroll down)

Our Tea Rooms

We have two tea rooms! They are located in the shade of the Yggdrasil tree and are known for their tranquility. On the first floor the tea room opens up into the garden with a pond,and on the second floor the tea room has a deck that presents a view of the tree canopy.

Here are our Tea Sets

We have a lot of different tea sets but my favorite is a gift from former Yggdrasil resident Pyongwangpyoichohwan! It is made of Yixing clay and brews the most wonderful cup of tea! The cups are very little, aren't they cute?

Desserts and Snacks

Oh did I mention? The Tea club is located next to a confectionery and a cake shop. We often have desserts and snacks to go along with our afternoon tea sessions just like in K-ON!

Cakes and scones go best with English tea and red bean cakes and mochis go best with Japanese tea! Solitude and reflection goes best with Chinese tea! What should we pair Indian tea with? Let's find out! Make your recommendations to me! *nudges NeoPacificus to provide some free cakes* ;)

Me with Urd

Here is me having tea with Onee-san, she normally drinks sake but on this occasion she can't resist having Green tea with me!

Animals in the Room

A little kitten lives in the cupboard of the tea room in the ground floor. Her name is tama-chan! And there's a teddy bear who guards the entrance for us, in case scary invaders come in! They are Pebbles (left) and Tabby (right)!

Around the place

A gift from Lae which we planted in the garden ^^;

How to join the Tea Club?

Come join my tea club! Just let me know and I'd add your name below!

Darjeeling san (St. Gloriana Girls Academy)
Orange Pekoe san (SGGA)
Assam san (SGGA)
Goddess Relief Office
Have fun with it
Edwin rosario
Improving wordiness (=coffee drinker spy)
Aerospace Forces
NeoPacificus (=provider of cakes)
Allemeine II
Barapam (=supplier of cookies)
Parkplace (=never fear, Canadian doughnuts are here!)
New Vinland
Campfire road
Aaronian fleet
Stuffed stuffing
Laes (=gifter of nice sakura-looking tree!)
Sabaton Amarth
Orioni 2

Join today!
