by Max Barry

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by The Elder Chronicler of Miencraft. . 51 reads.

Discord Annexation Act

Section I
The Second Republic of Libertatem hereby recognizes The Libertatem Discord Server as part of its jurisdiction.
All laws and Constitutional protections henceforth apply in the Libertatem Discord Server.

Section II
Actions that are prohibited under the Law Code are also prohibited within the Libertatem Discord Server. Any person who violates the Law Code within the Discord Server may be tried and punished to the full extent of judicial authority.

Section III
Channels in the Libertatem Discord Server may be restricted such that only those with proper permissions may view their contents, but the Regional Justice is required to have access to all channels, even those he would not normally have the clearance to see. If this access is not provided to the Justice, the owner and administrators of the Discord Server may be charged with Obstruction of Justice.

Section IV
Cabinet members, Senate members, the Attorney and Solicitor General, the Regional Justice, and the President shall hold specialized roles within the Discord Server to indicate their position in the Government of Libertatem. What powers these roles have is at the discretion of the server owner, though the Cabinet and President must have access to the basic Government channel, the President must have access to all military channels, and the Regional Justice must have unrestricted access to all channels.

Section V
The server owner may grant and remove administrative powers at his own discretion; however, these powers may only be granted to those who already have maximum security clearance. There may be no more than three administrators at any one time, including the server owner.

Server ownership may be passed along to any person according to the same rules.

Section VI
Viewing of the jury chambers with malicious intent by the administrators is henceforth punishable as Abuse of Power.

Section VII
Until this act is repealed, the Libertatem Discord Server must remain open and available. Failure to maintain the Libertatem Discord Server, or intentionally closing or deleting it, is punishable by law as Abuse of Power. If the Libertatem Discord Server is made inaccessible due to circumstances beyond control of the server owner and administrators, no crime has been committed.

No government-related channel may be deleted unless its entire contents are archived and merged into a different government-related channel. Any sensitive material in this archive must be redacted if the new channel requires a lower security clearance. This includes channels grouped in both the L-SPAN and Government categories.

Section VIII
All rights guaranteed to citizens of Libertatem also extend to citizens using the Libertatem Discord Server.
