by Max Barry

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by The Imperial Commonwealth of Zoygaria. . 81 reads.

Zoygarian military overview

La Militia de Zoyívska
The Military of Zoygaria

The Zoygarian military has traditionally been one of the most powerful in its region, unafraid to stand up to nations triple its size and power. It possesses a well disciplined military with high morale and faith, and the greatest honor of a soldier is to fall in battle while protecting the motherland. Using a mix of traditional and advanced tactics, the military is well trained and divided into 5 branches.

La Terra Belí: the main infantry and heavy land machinery, consisting of several armies as well as aerial helicopter legions and several tank divisions.

La Astra Guerra: The "Air Force" consisting of hundreds of squadrons, utilizing Bombers, VTOLs, Close Air support, Fighters, JSFs, crago, and stealth aircraft.

La Mara Belí: The primary Naval force, arguably one of the strongest naval forces worldwide. It consists of several fleets containing battleships, armed carriers, destroyers, frigates, cruisers, massive Imperium class destroyers, and cargo ships.

La Guarda de la Korónia: A specialized Royal Guard trained in a variety of different fighting styles tasked with defending high command officials, places of importance, and the Tierra des Muertos, or the Land of the Dead (cemetery of unknown soldiers).

La Guerra Elita: The elite marine corps of Zoygaria, the second smallest branch, but with the most vicious soldiers. Only deployed into intense combat areas, these marines are the special ops soldiers of Zoygaria, holding the highest morale and devotion to their nation.

Because of the well seasoned military, few nations dare to invade the defensive Zoygaria, opting to leave it alone instead. It will typically only wage defensive wars to protect itself or its allies, only invading when the threat is imminent and may destroy the entire region.

Warsat Defense Network

The Zoygarian Warsat Defense Network is a series of interconnected satellites and terrestrial bunkers across Zoygaria with the purpose of acting as a long reach network of targeting modules. Missile silos and command bunkers hidden within the snowy mountains of Zoygaria connect to a network of orbital satellites known as Warsats.

Explanation on Warsats

Warsats are cutting edge Zoygarian technology used to connect missile silos and bunkers with their intended targets. Warsats consist of a durable shell of Kevlar and Steel housing multiple durable antenna and a computer/tracking module within its thick shell. Warsats are designed to at the very least run basic calculations should they fall from orbit via weaponfire or otherwise, and are built to withstand the impact from reentry. Warsats in orbit connect with Zoygarian missile silos and command bunkers to direct tactical missiles of any variety to their targets with utmost precision, and little chance of being shot down.
They direct launched Zoygarian missiles to their intended destination with extreme precision and speed, with little chance for them to be intercepted or shot down. Even if one Warsat should fail, others can fill in the gap and continuously direct the projectiles. The network serves the additional purpose of detecting deep space objects on approach to Earth or Luna.

Mainland Zoygarian Military: 10,404,000 soldiers

Povoskan military: 528,768 soldiers

Czovoska military: 1,440,294 soldiers

Tlaloczki military: 1,852,202 soldiers

Voloski military: 1,431,821 soldiers

Vesper and Bombad Military: 891,629 soldiers

Nunalan military: 978,264 soldiers

Total number of soldiers across the Commonwealth: 17,526,978 soldiers

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