by Max Barry

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by The Rogue Nation of Azuitnorath. . 8 reads.

Language and Culture

Linguistic Overview

The Ezuit'hani believe that their language (Kruta, literally translates to set apart) is sacred and a living thing that grows alongside their people. As such, it may only be used for art and law. These concepts are the same word in Kruta: Anikhar, literally translated as root of the soul. For regular conversation, the Ezuit'hani use a separate language of facial expression, vocal tonal markers, and basic sign. When an Ezuit'hani needs to say something in Kruta, it must take the form of art or law, regardless of the topic. For example, here is a sonnet written by Saiph Temperance to her husband, Rukbah Charity, who left a candle burning which scorched a table:

The marks that ignorance have left engraved
They represent more than the blackened wood.
In the night air, the candle-flicker waved
As you dreamed sweetly, then I understood

This is not just a symptom of neglect
A slippage of the sleep-obscuréd brain
It is a branching stem of disrespect
The roots now place our wedlock under strain.

Each thing I tell you simply slips the mind
Your ignorance deteriorates our home
The timbers rot, portraits stay unaligned
As you through life obliviously roam.

I do not want my love for you to end,
But this dark fissure you neglect to mend.

Naming Conventions

When an Ezuit'hani is born, they are assigned the name of a star. The star is chosen from the constellation highest over Azuitnor'ath at the time of the child’s birth. When the child reaches adulthood, they choose their own last name, which is a virtue they aspire to live out throughout their lives. These are their names in Kruta, but in conversational language, their names are the sign for the first letter of their star name and a motion that represents their value name. For example, the conversational name for Cygnus Fluidity would be the sign for C and a wave motion with the hand.
