by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Chinaaa 2. . 4 reads.

Raiding, feared and condoned.

This dispatch is for players that are starting a new region or feel like they are very confused about the rules and limits of raiding.

Raiding is actually an official part of NationStates gameplay according to Wikipedia. It evolves around being the the most endorsed executive WA delegate in the region, so you can ban the governor and proclaim yourself the sole supreme leader of X region. This is how raiding has been for most of the history of the game, making governors the best counter to raiding as there was no way to size their authority. Sure, there were successors, but what were you going to do, hack the governor's computer and make them abdicate?
However, there is also another counter. There are two types of WA delegates, executive and non-executive. Executive authority is what allows officers to appoint and dethrone other officers. Giving this authority to a new delegate is extremely risky as he could remove your authorities and ban you. This is a bigger fear if your region has a large community of players as it gives the raider more motive to seize control.

Defender Regions

If you've been caught up in regional conflicts you have probably heard of defender regions. These are regions that have dedicated their armed forces to retaliating against raider regions that have captured a region. One example and probably the most famous example of a defender region would be 10000 Islands, one of the oldest defender regions in NationStates history. You can normally telegram the leader of defender regions if your the former governor of a newly captured region. However, be careful, because you don't want to get in the path of a defender region's quest for power rather then goodwill

Raider Regions

And of couse, raider regions. I can name a few, The Communist Bloc, The Black Hawks, the West Pacific. What do they do? They ambush innocent regions or regions that don't fit their ideals, with mabey 10 or even 20 and above wa nations. After the region is raided, they turn it into a stronghold of *insert name of raiding region here*. Both raider and defender regions will also forge alliances of other raider defender regions, often resulting in massive confrontations.

What is not raiding?
-Puppet Spamming
-Telegram spamming
-Creating alt regions
-Impersonation regions

Raider regions are often seen as outlaws and barbaric, but technically, they're just playing the game. What do you think?
