by Max Barry

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Region: Anteria

# First week of 100mph speed limits on Speke roads, what have we learned? :blue_car:

It has been a week since the national speed limit on Motorways with variable speed limits within Speke has increased to **100mph**, as part of a trial. The speed limit has only been applied to the S1 motorway, connecting Wielek to the country's capital.

So, what have we learned so far? It's too hard to tell in such a short span of time, but monitoring equipment has seen:
- An overall decrease in tailgating, and dangerous overtakes.
- There have only been 24 speeding violations in those 7 days, down from an average of 200-250 on the stretch of road weekly. 21/24 violations were no more than 15mph over the limit.
- There has only been 1 accident this week on the stretch of road, as a result of distracted driving. Thankfully, 0 fatalities.
- A majority of cars travel between 70-80mph, not utilising the full 100mph limit when possible.

What do these results mean though? Once again, it has only been a week and drivers may be unaware of the new limit and extra cautious when adjusting to this new speed limit. Analysts have stated that countries who swapped road directions have seen similar effects in previous studies, so the same could be happening here.
